Between reality and imagination: The Miaz Brothers land at Rome's Gallery of Modern Art

"Reality: Optional. Miaz Brothers with the Masters of the 20th Century": from Feb. 24 to May 26, 2024, an exhibition project is staged in Rome in which the Miaz Brothers apply their experimental approach to portraiture confronts the masters of the 20th century.

The Miaz Brothers, Roberto and Renato Miaz, land at the Gallery of Modern Art in Rome, from February 24 to May 26, 2024, with Reality: Optional. Miaz Brothers with the Masters of the 20th Century, an exhibition project in which their experimental approach to portraiture is confronted for the first time live with the great 20th-century masters in GAM’s art collection. The exhibition is promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, in collaboration with Wunderkammern. Organization by Zètema Progetto Cultura and Wunderkammern.

Alongside a selection of masterpieces from the permanent collection chosen in agreement with museum curator Claudio Crescentini, such as Giacomo Balla, Filippo de Pisis, Renato Guttuso, Carlo Levi, Mario Mafai, Giorgio Morandi, Auguste Rodin, Mario Sironi and others, the two artists will exhibit some of their very personal versions of the identified paintings, along with other unpublished works in which the original subjects are reproduced completely out of focus. In an age when technology strives to perfect the definition of images, the Miaz Brothers create enigmatic figures, elusive to categorization, with the intention of establishing a constant aesthetic and communicative link between their contemporary artistic language and the style of the original works. The theme of the talk will be Post-truth/Post-truth, a concept debated and relevant today, which has taken shape in recent years. The term refers to fake news that, despite its inaccuracy, is accepted as true by many people, who evaluate it mainly based on their own emotions and prejudices, without considering objective facts and data. The latter thus suddenly lose their relevance and importance.

The catalog of works is published by Silvana Editoriale. Ordinary Hours: Tuesday through Sunday 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Admission: Ticket including entrance to the Gallery of Modern Art and the Exhibition: Full € 11.50 - Reduced € 9.00, for non-residents. Single ticket including entrance to the Gallery of Modern Art and the Exhibition: Full € 9.00 - Reduced € 8.00, for residents. Free for the categories envisaged by current pricing: Free admission to the museum for “MIC Card” holders.

Between reality and imagination: The Miaz Brothers land at Rome's Gallery of Modern Art
Between reality and imagination: The Miaz Brothers land at Rome's Gallery of Modern Art

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