At the Fortress of Bard, an exhibition traces Marino Marini's sources of inspiration and recurring themes

The Fortress of Bard is hosting an exhibition from June 15 to November 3, 2024 that aims to focus attention on the main sources of inspiration and recurring themes in the research of Marino Marini, among the most significant Italian artists of the 20th century.

From June 15 to November 3, 2024, the Fortress of Bard is hosting the exhibition Marino Marini. Arcane Fantasies, curated by Sergio Risaliti, promoted by the Fortress of Bard in collaboration with 24 Ore Cultura and the Marino Marini Museum in Florence. At the center of the exhibition, which aims to focus on Marini’s main sources of inspiration and the recurring themes of his research, is a world of horses and horsemen, warriors and ancient gods, jugglers and dancers: all the complexity and variety of the artistic genius of Marino Marini, among the most significant Italian artists of the 20th century. On display for the occasion will be 23 sculptures and 39 works on canvas and paper.

Marino Marini embarked on an entirely personal artistic path, characterized by a coherent development that oscillates between the appeal to thearchaic and the prominence of dream and fantasy. From the very beginning, Marini was deeply attracted to figurative language, a language that found its highest expression in horses and riders, the best-known subjects of his artistic production. These elements were transformed by Marini into tools through which to read reality and narrate the human condition. Over the years, his figures have undergone an evolution, becoming progressively less defined in detail but richer in expressiveness, until they reach the status of true sculptural metaphors.

For info:

Hours: Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Closed Mondays.

Image: Marino Marini, Gentleman on Horseback, detail (c. 1938; tempera on canvas; Florence, Museo Marino Marini)

At the Fortress of Bard, an exhibition traces Marino Marini's sources of inspiration and recurring themes
At the Fortress of Bard, an exhibition traces Marino Marini's sources of inspiration and recurring themes

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