At the Estense Castle in Ferrara reunited for the first time the 700 original Linus covers

Ferrara's Castello Estense brings together for the first time until December 26, 2023 the seven hundred original covers of the historic Linus magazine, from 1965 to the present.

The Castello Estense in Ferrara is hosting from September 8 to December 26, 2023 the exhibition Linus. All issues from 1965 to 2023, curated by Marcello Garofalo, Elisabetta Sgarbi, in collaboration with Igort, organized by Comune di Ferrara, Fondazione Ferrara Arte, Fondazione Elisabetta Sgarbi, La nave di Teseo, Baldini+Castoldi.

On this occasion the seven hundred original covers of the historic Linus magazine from 1965, the date of its founding, to the present day are brought together for the first time. An exhibition thus spans the 58 years of Linus magazine, conceived on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Charles M. Schulz, the author of the Peanuts. From Giovanni Gandini, Umberto Eco and Oreste del Buono, to the current editorship of Elisabetta Sgarbi and Igort, the exhibition is intended to be a journey through color, ideas, and the history of Italy, through the comic revolution of Linus.

“The exceptionality and uniqueness of Linus magazine is recounted in this exhibition, which, through the original covers and issues, traces its entire history,” said Elisabetta Sgarbi, Director in charge of Linus, Director La nave di Teseo. “But there is a narrative within the narrative: the new course of Linus-determined by the entry of La Nave di Teseo and the Direction of Igort-is characterized by a careful look at the history of ’Linus’ and comics and the constant attention to finding new features and new voices. This exhibition exemplifies this two-faced direction, which characterizes every true cultural project. And the Castello Estense is the most prestigious context in which to tell these stories. And this exhibition would have pleased Umberto Eco very much.”

"Linus is a magazine-world that has spanned generations over its long life," said Igort, Linus Editorial Director. “It was the first anthology ever created that collected strips and comics born in newspapers and offered them a new dimension, that of the monthly, less tied to contingency, and, of course, new curious readers. A magazine to read and reread, aimed at everyone. I loveLinus, and I like to invite readers to the wonder and exploration of drawn stories. To rediscover the spirit of those pioneers who made the world of comics great.”

The exhibition is open daily, except Tuesdays, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

At the Estense Castle in Ferrara reunited for the first time the 700 original Linus covers
At the Estense Castle in Ferrara reunited for the first time the 700 original Linus covers

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