At the Diocesan Museum in Milan, four contemporary artists challenge Tintoretto

On the occasion of Lent and Easter, at the Diocesan Museum in Milan four contemporary artists will confront a great master of the past: the Deposition by Jacopo Tintoretto will take center stage.

From March 4 to May 25, 2025, on the occasion of Lent and Easter, the Diocesan Museum “Carlo Maria Martini” in Milan presents Around Tintoretto. The Deposition from the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice. Four Contemporary Artists Challenged by a Masterpiece, an exhibition that invites reflection through dialogue between past and present, curated by Nadia Righi and Giulio Manieri Elia, director of the Diocesan Museum in Milan and director of the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice, respectively.

The focus of the exhibition is the Deposition by Jacopo Tintoretto (Venice, c. 1519 - 1594), a masterpiece created around 1562 and on loan from the Gallerie dell ’Accademia in Venice. The work stands out for its intense drama and dynamic composition, capable of powerfully conveying the pathos of the Passion through the monumental figures depicted.

The exhibition includes a special section curated by Giuseppe Frangi, reprising the format inaugurated in 2024 with Bellini’s Lamentation. Also this year, four contemporary artists are invited to engage with a great master of the past: Jacopo Benassi, Luca Bertolo, Alberto Gianfreda and Maria Elisabetta Novello will create an artistic dialogue with Tintoretto’s painting, using different expressive languages, from installation to painting, to offer new perspectives and interpretations of a 16th-century masterpiece.

Image: Jacopo Robusti known as Jacopo Tintoretto, Deposition of Christ from the Cross (c. 1562; oil on canvas, 228 x 295 cm; Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia)

At the Diocesan Museum in Milan, four contemporary artists challenge Tintoretto
At the Diocesan Museum in Milan, four contemporary artists challenge Tintoretto

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