At Palazzo Abatellis Antonello meets Laurana

Between preludes of classical music, Palazzo Abatellis will display Antonello da Messina's Annunciata and Laurana's Bust of Eleanor of Aragon in the same room.

From March 20 to April 22, 2018, the Regional Gallery of Sicily at Palazzo Abatellis has decided to exhibit one next to the other two of the masterpieces kept here since 1954 but never exhibited in the same room of the Gallery.

The two works in question, which as mentioned will be on view until April 22 exceptionally within the same exhibition hall, are Antonello da Messina ’s TheAnnunciation and Francesco Laurana’s Bust of Eleanor of Aragon.

The exhibition Antonello meets Laurana. Preludes at Palazzo Abatellis is a prelude to the programming that Palazzo Abatellis is dedicating to the Renaissance in painting and sculpture, starting with its iconic works and leading up to the exhibition that will bring Antonello da Messina’s painting to Palermo and the Gallery for the first time from Italian and European museums.

Also scheduled throughout the duration of the exhibition are appointments dedicated to the performance of classical music preludes.

For information:

Hours: Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Closed Mondays.

Tickets: The exhibition is included in the Palazzo Abatellis Gallery entrance fee.
Full 8 euros, reduced 4 euros.

Image: Antonello da Messina, Annunciation (c. 1476; oil on panel, 45 x 34.5 cm; Palermo, Palazzo Abatellis, Regional Gallery)

At Palazzo Abatellis Antonello meets Laurana
At Palazzo Abatellis Antonello meets Laurana

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