At Mudec in Milan, an exhibition on the history of tattooing from prehistory to contemporary man

Mudec - Museo delle Culture in Milan presents from March 28 to July 28, 2024 an exhibition on the history of tattooing, from Prehistory to contemporary man.

From March 28 to July 28, 2024, Mudec - Museo delle Culture in Milan is hosting the exhibition Tattoo. Stories from the Mediterranean, curated by Luisa Gnecchi Ruscone, with the collaboration of Francesca Jurate Piacenti.

The intent of the exhibition is to tell the story of tattooing starting from its most remote origins and with an anthropological slant that looks at Italy and more generally at the Mediterranean. From prehistory to contemporary man, the exhibition project starts from remote times reaching back to the Paleolithic (the practice of tattooing is believed to be contemporary with graffiti on cave walls) to analyze how over the centuries tattooing has gradually taken on different meanings and functions: one was tattooed to declare one’s rank or spiritual affiliation, for religious devotion, to prevent and cure disease, to look more beautiful; one could be tattooed by force, as a slave or as a mark of dishonor.

The exhibition will trace more than seven thousand years of human history through original exhibits or reproductions and projections of photographs and films: from Ã?tzi to current geopolitical events, with tattoos, in Egypt, of Coptic crosses, or those of Coptic Kurdish women in Syrian refugee camps. Equally wide-ranging will be the geographical panorama, starting with the oldest artifacts found in the Mediterranean basin.

For info:

Hours: Monday from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Thursday and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

At Mudec in Milan, an exhibition on the history of tattooing from prehistory to contemporary man
At Mudec in Milan, an exhibition on the history of tattooing from prehistory to contemporary man

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