At MACTE in Termoli, the imaginative journey of Salvatore Arancio

From June 14 to Sept. 28, 2024 at MACTE in Termoli you can visit Salvatore Arancio's solo exhibition. In the exhibition, the artist elaborates a universe made of metaphysical sculptures and overflowing dimensions.

From June 14 to September 28, 2024, Salvatore Arancio ’s solo exhibition entitled Bruno’s House will be articulated in the rooms of MACTE - Museum of Contemporary Art in Termoli. The exhibition, curated by Caterina Riva with Marta Federici, brings together several works, some of which have entered the museum’s collection thanks to the PAC Plan for Contemporary Art: a video, a soundscape and some sculptures that recompose an imaginative journey among the architecture and presences of the Swiss park, a place that celebrates the imagination, pleasure and experimentation of Art in its most varied forms. Bruno’s House unfolds in a series of enveloping environments, from the central rotunda and side rooms to the MACTE garden, where the permanent sculpture Voyager put in place by the artist in September 2023 is installed.

Arancio’s practice elaborates a phantasmagorical and marvelous universe that leaves the audience’s imagination free to associate shapes and colors. On display are a series of sculptures of overflowing proportions and dimensions with sinuous and organic forms that refer to fragments of metamorphic bodies between vegetable, mineral and human, and whose shimmering glazes, made during a residency in Hungary, generate a vertigo of iridescent reflections and colors in contrast to the raw material of the bricks that support them. The video Bruno’s House, with an original soundtrack commissioned from British musician Robin Rimbaud/Scanner, offers a jarring montage of lysergic images shot by Arancio among the kaleidoscopic architecture of Bruno Weber Park, accompanied by sound that introduces a dark sense of unease, shifting the visual narrative out of linear time.

Salvatore Arancio’s Bruno’s House project won the public notice PAC2021 - Plan for Contemporary Art promoted by the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture. The sculptures were made by Salvatore Arancio at different times and included periods of work in Band in Hungary and Italy, in the cities of Faenza (RA), Origgio (VA) and Termoli (CB). As is customary, Arancio’s solo exhibition is accompanied by a selection of works from the permanent collection. In particular, Malangatana Valente Ngwenya ’s triptych and Nedda Guidi’s sculpture, artists also present this year at the Venice Biennale, will be on view, as well as works by Bruna Esposito and Chiara Enzo, winners of the 2021 and 2023 editions of the Termoli Prize. The exhibition’s public program includes two special invitations to artists Marco Lampis and Francesca Anfossi: starting in July, Before the Eyes, an audio guide to Arancio’s exhibition designed and developed by Marco Lampis for the blind public, will be available on the museum’s website; in the second half of September, on the other hand, Francesca Anfossi will lead a workshop with bread open to adults and children, created in collaboration with the Istituto Alberghiero di Termoli.

Salvatore Arancio, Bruno's House
Salvatore Arancio, Bruno’s House. Photo: Gianluca Di Ioia
Salvatore Arancio, Bruno's House
Salvatore Arancio, Bruno’s House. Photo: Gianluca Di Ioia
Salvatore Arancio, Bruno's House
Salvatore Arancio, Bruno’s House. Photo: Gianluca Di Ioia
Salvatore Arancio, Bruno's House
Salvatore Arancio, Bruno’s House. Photo: Gianluca Di Ioia
Salvatore Arancio, Bruno's House
Salvatore Arancio, Bruno’s House. Photo: Gianluca Di Ioia

Notes on the artist

Salvatore Arancio (Catania, 1974) through ceramics, engraving, collage, animation and video, investigates the potential of images. Every aspect of his practice intersects their origins and representations: whether natural and artificial, mineral and vegetable, scientific and mythological. His works have been exhibited in international institutions and festivals, including: La Biennale di Venezia (2017); MO.CO, Montpellier, (2022); MAXXI, L’Aquila (2021); Museo del Novecento, Florence (2019); Bardo National Museum, Tunis (2019); Foundacion Arte, Buenos Aires (2016); BI-CITY Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture, Shenzen (2020); Hayward Gallery, London (2022); Manif D’Art 5, The Quebec City Biennal, Canada (2010); Prague Biennale 4 (2009); Whitechapel Gallery, London (2018); Kunsthalle Winterthur, Switzerland (2016); Museo Tamayo, Mexico (2013).

At MACTE in Termoli, the imaginative journey of Salvatore Arancio
At MACTE in Termoli, the imaginative journey of Salvatore Arancio

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