Art is touched in Contact. Feeling painting with your hands

Ongoing exhibition at Rome's Museum of Palazzo Braschi where art must be touched. Through October 1, 2017.

At the Museum of Rome at Palazzo Braschi, the exhibition"Contact. Feeling Painting with the Hands. Caravaggio, Raphael and Correggio in a tactile experience."

Four masterpieces in the form of reliefs are on display in the exhibition in which art is to be touched: these are Correggio ’s Lamentation over the Dead Christ (Parma, National Gallery), Raphael ’s Prophet Isaiah (Rome, Church of St. Augustine), Caravaggio ’s Penitent Magdalene (Rome, Doria Pamphilj Gallery) and Caravaggio ’s Madonna of the Pilgrims (Rome, Church of St. Augustine).

The exhibition is not reserved exclusively for the blind, but is open to all visitors who would like to approach and learn about the works of art through thetactile experience.

The Museum of Rome intends to broaden its qualitative offer in an inclusive sense and in continuity with the programs dedicated to accessibility.
Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Crescita culturale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali in collaboration with MIUR, University of Rome Tor Vergata and organized by Zètema Progetto Cultura.

Source: Press release

Image: Correggio, Lamentation over the Dead Christ ( tactile painting, 2016, resin, 33 x 41 cm)

Art is touched in Contact. Feeling painting with your hands
Art is touched in Contact. Feeling painting with your hands

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