Arezzo, three exhibitions on Giorgio Vasari to celebrate the 450th anniversary of his death

Three events in different museum spaces in Arezzo dedicated to Giorgio Vasari, painter, architect and writer of 16th-century Italy. The reviews examine his architecture, figure and grand works.

The home of Giorgio Vasari (Arezzo, 1511 - Florence, 1574) gives an itinerary to delve into one of the greatest panel paintings of 16th-century Italy: The Marriage Feast of Esther and Ahasuerus of 1549. It is an itinerary that reconstructs the history of the Vasari family and its relationship with Cosimo I. In September there will be three exhibitions that will enrich “Arezzo. The City of Vasari,” the system of exhibitions, events and celebrations that until February 2025 will pay tribute to the master from Arezzo in his hometown on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of his death, curated by the City of Arezzo and Fondazione CR Firenze with Fondazione Guido D’Arezzo, in collaboration with the Regional Directorate National Museums Tuscany of the Ministry of Culture, Uffizi Galleries, with the curatorship of the scientific committee chaired by Carlo Sisi.

In anticipation of the exhibition curated by Cristina Acidini, which will open in October at the Galleria Comunale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, the month of September will open with “Il disegno fu lo imitare il più bello della natura. The House, the Drawings, the Ideas: Giorgio Vasari and the Figure of the Intellectual Architect.” From Sunday, September 8, 2024 until February 2, 2025, the State Museum of Casa Vasari in Arezzo will be the scene of an exhibition curated by Emanuela Ferretti and Rossella Sileno, with the contribution of the Master Museo Italia, Department of Architecture, University of Florence, which will highlight two closely related aspects: the figure of theintellectual artist and the theme ofarchitecture in Vasari’s work. Architecture in the work of Giorgio Vasari will also be narrated in an interactive form through drawings, manuscripts, models and significant works in relation to the pictorial decorations of the House and Vasari’s poetics: of great importance is the Diana Ephesian from the National Archaeological Museum in Naples. FSC® also contributes to the exhibition. "Alcuna cosa fuor dell’uso comune. Giorgio Vasari’s Wedding Feast of Esther and Ahasuerus " is the exhibition opening from Sept. 21 to Feb. 2, 2025 at the National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art in Arezzo, curated by Luisa Berretti. One of the artist’s grandest works is on display in the palace where the pontiff under the name of Julius III, among Vasari’s main patrons, stayed, now home to the MNAMM: the oil-on-board painting depicting the third of the four banquets narrated in the Book of Esther, commissioned in July 1548 by Don Giovanni Benedetto da Mantova, abbot of the Monastery of Saints Flora and Lucilla in Arezzo. Also on display will be preparatory drawings, documents, some table artifacts, and restoration findings that can highlight the details of the work.

Finally, from Sept. 28 to Jan. 31, 2025, the spaces of theState Archives, will host “Constructing a Self-Image. Giorgio Vasari through his papers,” an itinerary conceived by Ilaria Marcelli who, with the aid of Vasari’s archival holdings, will display the papers produced by Vasari. The first part of the exhibition, which will feature side-by-side documents from the Vasari Papers and other collections, including the Arezzo State Archives and Yale University’s Beinecke Library, will be devoted to Vasari’s family history, particularly with the autobiography in the third part of “The Lives,” a 1568 edition. The second part, on the other hand, which will feature documents from the Florence State Archives, will focus on his work and in particular on his close relationship with Duke Cosimo I dei Medici. “Arezzo. The City of Vasari” enjoys the patronage of the Ministry of Culture, partners of the initiative State Archives of Arezzo, Diocese of Arezzo, Cortona and Sansepolcro, Arezzo City Library, Fraternita dei Laici of Arezzo, Arezzo Intour Foundation.

Arezzo, three exhibitions on Giorgio Vasari to celebrate the 450th anniversary of his death
Arezzo, three exhibitions on Giorgio Vasari to celebrate the 450th anniversary of his death

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