An exhibition on the Vucciria of yesterday, today and tomorrow

Through Jan. 6, 2018, Matilde Incorpora's shots dedicated to Sicily's historic Vucciria market will be on display.

Today at 6:30 p.m. the exhibition"The Faces and Flavors of the Vucciria, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" will be inaugurated at La Vucciria space on 37H Via Libertà.

In fact, until January 6, 2018, Matilde Incorpora ’s shots depicting the famous Sicilian market with its characters and features will be on display in an exhibition organized by Diana de Concini and Antonio Di Dio.

The artist said, “I share the memory of a time, of fellow travelers, of common emotions in that magical place called Taverna Azzurra, where hundreds of people from all nations, all races, all cultures and all ages meet to share joy, love and complicity.”

The exhibition of the said concept store will move to New York, the first stop of its world tour.

Source: Ansa - Adnkronos


An exhibition on the Vucciria of yesterday, today and tomorrow
An exhibition on the Vucciria of yesterday, today and tomorrow

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