An exhibition on Saudi Arabia's cultural heritage at the National Roman Museum

Roads of Arabia. Treasures of Saudi Arabia is the exhibition set up in Rome at the National Roman Museum at the Baths of Diocletian and open to the public from November 28, 2019 to March 1, 2020.

The exhibition, brought to Rome by the Ministry of Culture of Saudi Arabia and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism of Italy, explores the rich heritage of the Arabian Peninsula through archaeological masterpieces, important works of art and ancient documents.

Through more than one million years of history, from prehistoric times to the formation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the exhibition illustrates the depth and breadth of Arab civilization. More than 450 rare artifacts that have come to light through major archaeological excavations will be on display.

Saudi Aramco is the exclusive sponsor of the event, which is supported by the Alda Fendi Foundation. Accompanying the exhibition is a catalog, published by Electa, with in-depth essays that bring the Saudi archaeological world closer to discovering the many archaeological sites, located throughout the Arab world, that areUNESCO World Heritage Sites.

For all information you can call +39 06 68485171, send an e-mail to visit the official website of the National Roman Museum.

Source: press release

An exhibition on Saudi Arabia's cultural heritage at the National Roman Museum
An exhibition on Saudi Arabia's cultural heritage at the National Roman Museum

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