An exhibition on Italian surrealisms, from de Chirico to Gaetano Pesce, at the Mart in Rovereto

To mark the centenary of the surrealist movement, the Mart in Rovereto dedicates an exhibition to Italian surrealisms, from de Chirico to Gaetano Pesce. Gathered 150 works by seventy artists.

From July 12 to October 2024, the Mart in Rovereto, on the occasion of the centenary of the Surrealist movement, presents the exhibition Surrealisms. From de Chirico to Gaetano Pesce, curated by Denis Isaia, from an idea by Vittorio Sgarbi. The exhibition aims to be a survey ofItalian fantastic art, exploring a theme that has long remained in the shadows and has only recently been the subject of study and rediscovery. As historiography has often pointed out, Italy was a stranger to the Surrealist movement, which originated and developed in France under the leadership of André Breton. However, it was Breton himself who recognized two important precursors of the movement in the works of Giorgio de Chirico and Alberto Savinio.

For the occasion, 150 works by seventy artists, including, in addition to the aforementioned de Chirico and Savinio, Leonor Fini, Fabrizio Clerici, Arturo Nathan, Stanislao Lepri, Enrico Colombotto Rosso, Italo Cremona, Corrado Costa, Sergio Vacchi, Valerio Miroglio, Giordano Falzoni, Ugo Stepini, Enrico Donati, Adelchi Riccardo Mantovani, Romano Parmeggiani, and Gustavo Foppiani, will be brought together to present Italian Surrealisms.

Divided into thematic sections, the exhibition will then explore the main strands of Italian Surrealisms and their distinctive features, from the open dialogue with the past, in which Giorgio de Chirico emerges as a restless pioneer of the twentieth century, to the influences that shaped some expressions of Futurism, the Pop or post-informal scene, which share the disturbing principles typical of Surrealism, its vitalism and its rich stylistic variety.

Image: Alberto Savinio, Les Rois Mages(The Three Kings) (1929; oil on canvas; Rovereto, Mart)

An exhibition on Italian surrealisms, from de Chirico to Gaetano Pesce, at the Mart in Rovereto
An exhibition on Italian surrealisms, from de Chirico to Gaetano Pesce, at the Mart in Rovereto

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