An exhibition in Rome to say no to violence against women. Here is Marzia Bianchi's project

10 photographs and 10 x-rays that tell the world of pain and silence in which women victims of violence live. This is what L’Invisibilità non è un super potere proposes. Photographs and X-rays to say no to violence against women, the exhibition curated by Marzia Bianchi with Fondazione Pangea - REAMA and hosted in Rome at the WeGil space from January 16 to February 6, 2020.

The 10 photos in question are works by Marzia Bianchi herself, a photographer and Pangea - Reama collaborator, who, inspired by the words of the women welcomed by Reama’s online anti-violence desk, transformed the narrative into images. The X-rays on display, which are completely anonymous, are provided courtesy of theAzienda Ospedaliera San Camillo Forlanini in Rome and theAsst Santi Paolo e Carlo in Milan, taken of women who arrived in emergency rooms and said they had suffered violence.

The exhibition is promoted by the Lazio Region and organized by ’LAZIOcrea’ in collaboration with the Foundation itself, promoter of Reama, the Network for Empowerment and Self-Mutual Help for Women Victims of Violence.

For all information you can visit the official website of WeGil.

An exhibition in Rome to say no to violence against women. Here is Marzia Bianchi's project
An exhibition in Rome to say no to violence against women. Here is Marzia Bianchi's project

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