An exhibition at Venaria Reale on dogs in art history, from antiquity to Keith Haring

From October 20, 2018 to February 10, 2019, at Venaria Reale the exhibition 'Posing Dogs. From Antiquity to Today' celebrates man's best friend.

At the Reggia di Venaria in Turin, the exhibition Cani in posa. From Antiquity to Today, conceived by Fulco Ruffo di Calabria and organized by Glocal Project Consulting and Consorzio Residenze Reali Sabaude. This is the first major exhibition in Italy on the theme of “dogs in art,” displaying sculptures and paintings executed by some of the greatest artists of all time, from antiquity to the present.

The exhibition has as its theme the constant presence of the dog in the world of Western figurative art, often as an ancillary motif of great history painting, but also as a real genre cultivated by “animal” painters or by complete artists who have tried their hand at various fields, either with an autonomous character or linked to the portrait genre. After the human figure, the dog, “man’s friend” par excellence, is the animal that has always been most represented by artists, betraying an affective bond and an elective affinity that transcends aspects of formal decorum.
Curated by Francesco Petrucci, the exhibition is open until February 10, 2019.

Ticket price: full 12 euros, reduced 10 euros Groups of a minimum of 12 people, over 65 and those provided by Gratuiti e Ridotti, Reduced 6 euros Under 21 (children aged 6 to 20) and university students under 26, Schools 3 euros Minimum class of 12 students, free admission for 2 accompanying persons for every 27 students. Free Under 6 and as many as provided by Free.
For all information you can call +39 011 4992333 or visit

Pictured is a photo of the exhibition.

An exhibition at Venaria Reale on dogs in art history, from antiquity to Keith Haring
An exhibition at Venaria Reale on dogs in art history, from antiquity to Keith Haring

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