An art museum in Spain dedicates an exhibition to...microalgae. Here's why

In Spain, a contemporary art museum, the Centre del Carmen in Valencia, is dedicating an exhibition to...microalgae. Here's why this unusual choice.

An exhibition on microalgae in a contemporary art museum. This is what is happening in Valencia, at the Centre del Carmen Contemporary Culture (CCCC) where the exhibition La vida secreta de les microalgues (“The secret life of microalgae”), an artistic, scientific and educational review imagined by Jesus Diaz and Stefano Morana, co-founders of the creative agency and research laboratory Un Jardin Sur Les Toits, is on until October 21. Un Jardin Sur Les Toits is an agency specializing in biotechnology, blockchain technology and microalgae: at the invitation of the CCCC and as part of the official program of Valencia European Green Capital 2024, Diaz and Morana imagined the exhibition “The Secret Life of Microalgae” as a sensory and immersive journey that allows visitors to discover the genesis of microalgae, their essential role in today’s world and their applications in our future.

Combining sound, light, 3D images and olfaction, they invite visitors to immerse themselves in the mysterious universe of the ocean depths.We can no longer ignore the important role played by microalgae in climate regulation, CO2 reduction and, consequently, the reduction of greenhouse gases, since 50 to 75 percent of oxygen is produced in the oceans through photosynthesis. The CCCC therefore wanted to dedicate an exhibition to the oldest terrestrial microorganisms: microalgae, that is. Their field of application is so vast that it is said to be almost infinite. It includes, among other things, air and water purification, agriculture, combating malnutrition in the world, pharmacology and space conquest.

Exhibition layouts
Exhibition layouts
Exhibition layouts
Exhibition layouts
Exhibition layouts
Exhibition layouts

The exhibition, created in collaboration with the University of Almeria and its research department dedicated to microalgae, will showcase for the first time a new 4.0 generation of microalgae photobioreactors that perform photosynthesis, carbon capture and oxygen production in situ.

The exhibition “The Secret Life of Microalgae” consists of four complementary environments: the first presents three glass photobioreactors more than 3 meters high that show the life cycle of microalgae, allowing visitors to understand their photosynthesis process. The second presents a totally innovative and disruptive concept: the V.O.F, “Virtual Oxygen Farm.” Born out of the fusion of biotechnology, digital creation, blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, V.O.F contributes significantly to the reduction of greenhouse gases by calculating and offsetting in real time the carbon footprint of any entity whether it is virtual, synthetic or organic. the V.O.F is the missing link between the virtual world and the real world. It massively reduces CO2 and produces oxygen, thus reinventing the process of photosynthesis by channeling artificial intelligence. The third offers a 38-minute film created from 3D images illustrating the life of microalgae from their genesis 3 billion years ago to the present day and their application in multiple fields. Finally, the fourth is a Show-Lab displaying the products resulting from several years of research by 15 European companies specializing in the production of objects designed from algal biomass, thus expressing the breadth of possibilities offered by microalgae in sectors as diverse as bioplastics, fashion, design, nutrition, construction, or insulation

But why an exhibition on microalgae in a contemporary art center? There are many reasons for this. At a time of climate emergency and geopolitical uncertainty, it is important, they let the CCCC know, to raise awareness of the important role microalgae play in the world. Adding to this is the incredible beauty and diversity of microalgae, “which allowed us to add an artistic dimension to this exhibition, designed with an educational and scientific character, by creating a film,” they say from the museum. “It is a film in which laboratory-generated or 3D images allow us to discover what is normally invisible to the naked eye, in an explosion of color and diversity. We hope this immersive exhibition, with its mix of sounds, images, iodine fragrances and in situ microalgae, will transport you to the wonderful world of microalgae and the deep sea, a world still too often ignored.”

The exhibition is free admission. For all information you can visit the Valencia Museums website.

An art museum in Spain dedicates an exhibition to...microalgae. Here's why
An art museum in Spain dedicates an exhibition to...microalgae. Here's why

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