All facets of Tarsila do Amaral's Brazil on display in Paris

From October 9, 2024 to February 2, 2025, the Musée du Luxembourg in Paris presents an exhibition on Tarsila do Amaral, a great Brazilian artist of the 20th century. About 150 works chronicling the artist's Brazilian modernism will be on display.

From October 9, 2024 to February 2, 2025, the Musée du Luxembourg in Paris presents the exhibition Tarsila do Amaral. Peindre le Brésil moderne. This is an exhibition organized by the Grand Palais Rmn and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and curated by Cecilia Braschi. A central figure of Brazilian modernism, Tarsila do Amaral (Capivari, 1886 - São Paulo, 1973) is one of Brazil’s most important artists. Since the 1920s, she has been the originator of original work, drawing on the indigenous imagination of a country in constant transformation. Referring to the indigenous practice of cannibalism, understood metaphorically as “devouring the other” to assimilate its qualities, she describes how Brazilians have constructively reworked foreign and colonizing cultures. Tarsila do Amaral’s work raises social, identity and racial issues. His work invites a rethinking of the divisions between tradition and avant-garde, between educated and popular cultures, presenting a popular and “authentic” Brazil. Although Tarsila do Amaral is widely recognized, exhibitions dedicated to her abroad are still rare. This first retrospective in France, which brings together some 150 works, aims to fill this gap.

Tracing the artist’s production of the 1920s, which was linked to Brazilian modernism, the “Pau-Brasil” movement (1924-1925) and the “Anthropophagy” movement (1928-1929), the retrospective presents landscapes with vivid colors and sharp lines, alternating with dreamlike, mysterious and fascinating visions. In contrast, Tarsila’s political dimension emerges in the works of the 1930s, which are characterized by strong realism. The dreamlike gigantism of the 1940s, the almost abstract geometry of some compositions and the way the artist updated his production until the 1960s, on the other hand, confirm a work anchored in the culture of its time, original and ready to renew itself. The exhibition also presents the Exhibition Catalogue, published by GrandPalaisRmn Éditions, 2024.

Tarsila do Amaral, Cartão-postal (1929; oil on canvas, 127.5 x 142.5 cm; Rio de Janeiro, Private Collection) © Tarsila do Amaral Licenciamento e Empreendimentos S.A
Tarsila do Amaral, Cartão-postal (1929; oil on canvas, 127.5 x 142.5 cm; Rio de Janeiro, Private Collection) © Tarsila do Amaral Licenciamento e Empreendimentos S.A

Practical information

Rates: Adults €14.00; Reduced €10.00

Hours: Daily from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. - Evening opening every Monday until 10 p.m.

All facets of Tarsila do Amaral's Brazil on display in Paris
All facets of Tarsila do Amaral's Brazil on display in Paris

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