After the Pre-Raphaelites, a major exhibition on artist (self-)portraiture in Forli.

From February 22 to June 29, 2024, the San Domenico Civic Museum in Forli will host the exhibition "The Portrait of the Artist. In the Mirror of Narcissus. The Face, the Mask, the Selfie," featuring more than 300 works by leading artists.

After the Pre-Raphaelites, the Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì in collaboration with the Municipality of Forlì focuses on artist portraits: from February 22 to June 29, 2024, the rooms of the Museo Civico San Domenico in Forlì will host the exhibition The Portrait of the Artist. In the Mirror of Narcissus. The Face, the Mask, the Selfie, featuring more than 300 works by major artists such as Titian, Tintoretto, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, De Chirico, Balla, Warhol and many others.

The first to mirror himself and recognize his own face was Narcissus, who by looking at himself in the mirror of water came to know his own face, his self-portrait. Today selfie mania.

Portraying oneself has been, for artists, a test of introspection, a way to express emotions, ideals and one’s skill. The self-portrait is not just a reproduction: it is an investigation of identity, reflected in the image created, often transformed into a mask, an alter ego. Naked or clothed, made-up or disguised, smiling or melancholy, through the self-image, the artist traces his inner world, the meaning of his art, the uniqueness of his style. For this, it is not necessary to portray oneself entirely; a face or a foot is enough.

Many artists, from the seventeenth to the twentieth century, have placed their faces in larger scenes, such as mythological tales, sacred stories or historical events, merging their image with the work itself.

The self-portrait is a reflection on identity, capable of representing the artist and, at the same time, replacing him or her. From Titian to Van Gogh, from Rembrandt to Warhol, the artist’s portrait is an existential autograph; the self-portrait is an attempt to stop time and leave a lasting trace.

Giacomo Balla, Autosmorfia (1900; private collection)
Giacomo Balla, Autosmorfia (1900; private collection)
Theatrical mask, from Megara Hyblaea (5th century B.C.; Syracuse, Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi).
Theater Mask, from Megara Hyblaea (5th century B.C.; Syracuse, Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi)
Tintoretto, Narcissus at the Fountain (c. 1557; Rome, Galleria Colonna)
Tintoretto, Narcissus at the Fountain (c. 1557; Rome, Galleria Colonna)

After the Pre-Raphaelites, a major exhibition on artist (self-)portraiture in Forli.
After the Pre-Raphaelites, a major exhibition on artist (self-)portraiture in Forli.

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