A Nicola Pucci retrospective in Palermo at Villa Zito, featuring works from the past two decades

Villa Zito in Palermo is hosting the exhibition Nicola Pucci. Works 1999 - 2019, which runs from February 1 to March 29, 2020.

Curated by Paola Nicita, the anthological exhibition showcases the canvases that Nicola Pucci (Palermo, 1966) has made over the past two decades and brings out its evolution: from an extremely realistic figurative painting, to a sort of negation, a cancellation of the hyperrealist language, to deepen some more conceptual aspects. Elements from different sources cohabit in one painting. His canvases depict homogeneous groups of figures, often suspended in space, but united in a silent dialogue.

These canvases present dreamlike worlds, populated by figures moving in impossible contexts, or playing with the world, trying to rewrite their own destiny. There are also new works, including a sculpture made especially for the exhibition, a real surprise for an artist who has only ever devoted space and time to painting.

“Epiphany and surprising, Nicola Pucci’s painting destroys images and reconstructs them: Delenda Imago, Costruenda Imago,” writes Paola Nicita in her text in the catalog - [...] In the bombastic silence of a precise, objective, rarefied and concrete painting, unhinging and revolution are the key words of change: but the perceptive modification takes place without any proclamation, manifesto or guerrilla. Everything has already happened, it is there, it is before our eyes. [...] It is the silent and tormented struggle between matter and form."

The exhibition is conceived by theSettimana delle Culture Association and realized with the support of the Fondazione Sicilia and contributions from the Presidency of the Sicilian Regional Assembly and private partners.

To learn more about the artist you can visit the official website by clicking here.

Pictured: Nicola Pucci, Billiard Room (2016; oil on canvas, 140x170 cm)

A Nicola Pucci retrospective in Palermo at Villa Zito, featuring works from the past two decades
A Nicola Pucci retrospective in Palermo at Villa Zito, featuring works from the past two decades

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