A group show of thirteen international street artists in Rome. Murals will become works on canvas

Rosso20sette contemporary art in Rome presents the exhibition "When the walls become canvas": a group show in which thirteen international street artists will create some of their most important murals on canvas.

Rosso20sette contemporary art in Rome opens on Saturday, May 7, the exhibition When the walls become canvas, curated by Tiziana Cino and Stefano Ferraro, which will be open to the public until June 24, 2022. This is a group show in which thirteen international street artists will create some of their most important murals on canvas; some original sketches and a model of a mural by Motore Fisico created together with Mafm will also be on display. The artists involved are Daniel Eime (Portugal), Lidia Cao (Spain), Solo (Italy), Diamond (Italy), Ligama (Italy), Oniro (Italy), Luogo Comune (Italy), Alessandra Carloni (Italy), MauPal (Italy), Jerico (Philippines), Chekos’Art (Italy), Fabio Petani (Italy), Motore Fisico+Mafm (Italy).

“A work of art is always born from an idea. The idea begins to take shape in a sketch. A pencil, a sheet of paper or a pc are the tools to turn it into reality. At this point the artist is called upon to choose the final medium where his or her idea will live. Street artists are that particular category of creatives who have decided, rationally or otherwise, that their works will live among people, on city walls. Making a mural is always a real undertaking. No matter the size, painting on the street is always an adventure. There are many unknowns and few certainties,” writes Giorgio Silvestrelli. “Those who paint in the street have the knowledge that they will be in the sun or cold for many hours a day. Sometimes intense heat and bitter cold alternate in the same day. Not to mention the rain that can destroy hours of work in minutes. When creating a mural, the surroundings are not something to be underestimated. The work should fit into that particular urban space, almost as if it had always been part of it. Otherwise the whole thing would be perceived as a forcing, an exercise in style or, worse, a ’disrespect’ towards the people who live there [...] The confrontation with the public, which each artist experiences in a very personal way, takes place immediately, without filters, without censorship or modesty. Perhaps it is precisely this close contact with people that is one of the many factors that drives more and more people to produce street art works or to become passionate about this art movement. When a mural is finished,” the text continues, “after the ritual photos, one returns home with broken bones, dirty, with a backpack full of smiles and with dark circles under the eyes, but also with many stories. Those experienced on their own skin in those long crazy days and those that people feel the need to tell the painters. And they are many. To this day it remains, for me, a mystery why people immediately empathize with someone who paints a wall and feel the need to ask questions or expound their opinion. Street art has the gift of speaking to everyone, no one excluded, and many feel the right/duty to express themselves about what is happening before their eyes. The combination of stories and experiences means that each mural is unique and unrepeatable, for the artists but also for the people and therefore, for all intents and purposes, is a true work of art.”

For info: https://www.rosso27.com/

Hours: Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Sunday by appointment.

A group show of thirteen international street artists in Rome. Murals will become works on canvas
A group show of thirteen international street artists in Rome. Murals will become works on canvas

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