World Book Day, independent bookstores in Florence give away a purple iris

On Friday, April 23, in celebration of World Book Day, independent Florentine bookstores will give away a purple iris to anyone who buys a book.

Presented this morning at Palazzo Vecchio in Florence in the presence of Culture Councillor Tommaso Sacchi and City Councilwoman Alessandra Innocenti, chair of the Commission on Policies for the Promotion of Legality and Urban Sustainability, Nightlife, Smart City, Decentralization, the initiative that will debut on Friday, April 23, on World Book Day. Florence’s independent bookstores will donate an iris to anyone who buys a book at their locations.

The initiative takes its cue from Catalan tradition: April 23 celebrates Sant Jordi, the patron saint of Catalonia, and books and roses are given as gifts on this festive day. Since 1996, UNESCO has proclaimed April 23 as World Book and Copyright Day to promote reading, book publishing and copyright protection.

Instead of a rose, the City of Florence has chosen to donate a purple iris, the city’s symbolic flower. The participating bookstores are Libreria Alfani, Libreria Alzaia, Libreria Claudiana, Libreria Farollo and Falpalà, Libreria Florida, Libreria Francese, Libreria Leggermente, Libreria Marabuk, Libreria Menabò, Libreria Nani Pittori, Libreria On the Road, Libreria Piccola farmacia letteraria, Libreria Todo Modo.

“To have declined on Florence this Catalan tradition,” stressed Councillor Sacchi, “is a wonderful idea that we decided to accompany to support a sector, that of independent bookstores, which has suffered greatly from the lockdown and the economic crisis due to the pandemic. This is an excellent initiative to promote books and reading that I hope can be replicated in the coming years and help citizens discover their neighborhood bookstores.”

“We want to give a signal, starting with the bookstores that are both a cultural and a territorial garrison,” added President Innocenti. “Books, during these last months, have kept us company by making us forget for a while the issues related to the pandemic. On Friday, April 23, on World Book Day, we wish to give a signal of restart with independent bookstores that will give away an iris, which is the flower of Florence, to everyone who buys a book.”

World Book Day, independent bookstores in Florence give away a purple iris
World Book Day, independent bookstores in Florence give away a purple iris

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