Where and how did people live in Magna Graecia in classical times? A conference in Paestum

On Thursday, May 8 and Friday, May 9, 2019, the conference Living in Magna Graecia will be held in Naples and Paestum.

On Thursday, May 9, 2019, in Naples, at the Conference Hall of Palazzo Corigliano, and on Friday, May 10, 2019, at the Cell Hall of the Paestum Museum, the conference Inhabiting in Magna Graecia will be held to discuss habitation and domestic architecture in the Greek colonies of the West. This is the second chapter of a study project by the Paestum Archaeological Park and the Department of Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean of the University of Naples "L’Orientale," launched in 2018.

Architecture and forms of living in southern Italy between the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. will be discussed: the conference will be held by Italian and foreign scholars who will illustrate the results of research conducted in recent years in the Greek colonies of Cumae, Crotone, Velia, Locri Epizefiri, Caulonia, Poseidonia and the territories pertaining to them, as well as in the indigenous centers of Tricarico, Caselle in Pittari, Moio della Civitella and Pompeii.

The aim of the conference is to stimulate a methodological and theoretical debate on the link between building techniques for private construction, domestic architecture and socio-cultural interactions between colonial sites and indigenous contexts. Scholars, students and anyone interested in learning about how life was lived in Magna Graecia in the classical period can participate.

Source: release

Where and how did people live in Magna Graecia in classical times? A conference in Paestum
Where and how did people live in Magna Graecia in classical times? A conference in Paestum

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