What did the Forum of Augustus look like in ancient Rome? Piero Angela's multimedia show shows us.

From July 8 to Nov. 8, 2020, a multimedia show tells the story of the Forum of Augustus. Three performances each day.

From July 8 to November 8, 2020, the history of the Forum of Augustus can be relived through the multimedia show entitled Travels in Ancient Rome.

The project is curated by Piero Angela and Paco Lanciano and is part of the new Roma Capitale RomaRama program, promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Crescita culturale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali and produced by Zètema Progetto Cultura.

Through films and projections, viewers will be able to see what the site looked like in ancient Rome. Each evening there will be three repetitions of the forty-minute show, available in eight languages (Italian, English, French, Russian, Spanish, German, Chinese and Japanese); all in compliance with the anti Covid-19 security measures, which include restricted entry (maximum 50 people per repetition), temperature measurement, audioguides protected by disposable wrapping, interpersonal spacing of one meter with predefined place markers on the stands in Via Alessandrina.

The narrative of the Forum of Augustus begins with the marbles still visible in the Forum. Through a multi-projection of lights, images, films and animations, Piero Angela’s tale focuses on the figure of Augustus, whose gigantic statue, a full twelve meters high, was kept next to the temple dedicated to Mars Ultor. With Augustus, Rome inaugurated a new period in its history: the imperial age was that of the great rise that led Rome, in little more than a century, to reign over an empire stretching from present-day England to the borders of present-day Iraq, encompassing much of Europe, the Middle East and all of North Africa.

Hours: July 8 through Aug. 31 daily at 9, 10 and 11 p.m;
Sept. 1 to Sept. 30 daily at 8, 9, 10 p.m;
Oct. 1 to Nov. 8 daily at 7, 8, 9 pm.

Tickets can be pre-purchased online at www.viaggioneifori.it or at the 060608 call center (operating daily from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.). They can also be purchased on the spot, after filling out the master card with the visitor’s personal data, and at Tourist Infopoints. For MIC card and Roma Pass holders there is a reduced entrance fee.
Full 15 euros, reduced 10 euros.

What did the Forum of Augustus look like in ancient Rome? Piero Angela's multimedia show shows us.
What did the Forum of Augustus look like in ancient Rome? Piero Angela's multimedia show shows us.

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