Vittoriano, tours of sculpture restoration site by climbing a transparent scaffolding system

Visits continue to the sculpture restoration site on the main elevation of the Vittoriano. A system of transparent scaffolding allows visitors to see statues up close and witness the open construction site.

Visits to the restoration site of the sculptures on the main elevation continue at the Vittoriano, to see them up close and witness the open work site by climbing up a system of transparent scaffolding, a method already adopted during the work on the Altar of the Fatherland. Directed by VIVE director Edith Gabrielli and executed by Susanna Sarmati, the restoration of the Vittoriano sculptures is being carried out thanks to a contribution from Bvlgari.

Having completed the restoration of the fountain with The Tyrrhenian Sea by Pietro Canonica, the other sculptures on the main elevation are now being restored: the marble fountainwith The Adriatic Sea by Emilio Quadrelli of Milan, the two gilded bronze groups with Giulio Monteverde’s The Thought and Francesco Jerace’s The Action, 10 meters high, and finally Gaetano Vannicola’s flagpoles with Edoardo Rubino and Edoardo De Albertis’ Victories, both resting on the prow of an ancient Roman ship.

The site visits, sponsored by VIVE-Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia, are scheduled on July 12, Aug. 8 and Sept. 12, 2024, at 10 a.m. and are part of the VIVE-Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia educational initiatives entrusted by the Institute to Opera Laboratori Fiorentini. They are free of charge and reserved for a maximum of 15 people per shift upon reservation by sending a request to

Vittoriano, tours of sculpture restoration site by climbing a transparent scaffolding system
Vittoriano, tours of sculpture restoration site by climbing a transparent scaffolding system

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