Verona, at Palazzo Maffei an event entirely dedicated to Emilio Vedova

At Palazzo Maffei in Verona a special meeting entirely dedicated to Emilio Vedova, with the screening of the docufilm and the public presentation of a large Tondo that recently entered the Carlon Collection.

On Saturday, November 5, a special meeting, open to the public, entirely dedicated to Emilio Vedova (Venice, 1919 - 2006) and his creative universe, promoted in collaboration with the Fondazione Emilio e Annabianca Vedova, will be held at the Teatrino di Palazzo Maffei - Casa Museo in Verona.

The meeting, which will end with the screening of the docufilm Emilio Vedova, from the side of the shipwreck, made in 2019 for the artist’s centenary (with the extraordinary participation of Toni Servillo), intends to propose a dialogue on the artist between Gabriella Belli, president of the scientific committee of Palazzo Maffei Casa Museo, the president of Fondazione Vedova Alfredo Bianchini and Tomaso Pessina, director of the film.

A Venetian, Vedova was among the founders of the “New Italian Secession” later called the “Fronte Nuovo delle Arti.” He then took part in the “Group of Eight,” formed by Lionello Venturi, which Afro, Santomaso and Turcato also joined. With his gestural painting, explosions of contrasting brushstrokes, pictorial cycles with evocative titles, constant curiosity about the expressive possibilities of materials and incessant research, Vedova was able to interpret the malaise and criticality of society, anticipating linguistic aspects that were the focus of interest of the new artistic generations. Among the numerous awards he received were the Young Painters Award at the São Paulo Biennale in 1951, the Guggenheim International Award in 1956, and the Painting Prize at the Venice Biennale in 1960. Several prestigious roles he held, including director of the Internationale Sommerakedemie in Salzburg, various lectures on campuses in the United States, and teaching at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice. He finally received the honors of “Cavaliere di Gran Croce della Repubblica Italiana per meriti culturali” and the “Medaglia d’oro ai benemeriti della cultura e dell’arte.”

In the Palazzo Maffei itinerary, next to Vedova’s important work belonging to the Ciclo’60 series (B.8), another masterpiece by the artist that recently entered the Carlon Collection is now added. It is one of the large Tondi(Tondo ’85-3) made between 1985 and 1987, evidence of a crucial moment in his complex artistic career, as he engaged for a number of years in a sort of challenge towards the archetypal figure of the circle: a symbol of perfection contrasted with the vision of a lacerated, asymmetrical universe in transit.

Image: Emilio Vedova at work (1985; Venice). Photo by Paolo Mussat Sartor

Verona, at Palazzo Maffei an event entirely dedicated to Emilio Vedova
Verona, at Palazzo Maffei an event entirely dedicated to Emilio Vedova

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