Valentine's Day at Gallerie d'Italia: themed guided tours and 2-for-1 promotions on admission

On the occasion of Valentine's Day, Gallerie d'Italia's four locations in Milan, Turin, Vicenza and Naples are celebrating love with special themed guided tours and a two-for-one promotion on admission.

OnFriday, Feb. 14, Gallerie d’Italia, the museum hub of Intesa Sanpaolo, celebrates Valentine’s Day at its four locations in Milan, Turin, Vicenza and Naples with a special 2-for-1 promotion on admission to discover the permanent collections and temporary exhibitions and participate in special thematic guided tours dedicated to passion and romance in art.

Milan - “Galleries Mon Amour”

At 5:30 p.m., the Gallerie d’Italia in Milan will offer Gallerie Mon Amour, a guided tour through the museum rooms dedicated to anecdotes and curiosities centered on the theme of love, between traditions and mythical passions. The experience is designed for couples, friends or even individual visitors. The cost is €5 per person, excluding the entrance fee. Reservations are recommended at 800.167619 or via email at

In addition, visitors can visit the exhibition The Genius of Milan. Crossroads of the Arts from the Fabbrica del Duomo to the Twentieth Century, produced under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic and in partnership with the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, curated by Marco Carminati, Fernando Mazzocca, Alessandro Morandotti and Paola Zatti. Organized in thematic and chronological sections, it features works by Leonardo da Vinci, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Francesco Hayez, Giovanni Segantini and Lucio Fontana.

It is also possible to admire Robert Ryman’s extraordinary painting, Surface Veil IV, from the Luigi and Peppino Agrati Collection, which enriches the exhibition dedicated to the Intesa Sanpaolo Group’s collection of modern and contemporary art.

Naples - “Beloved Women”

Two appointments, at 12 noon and 4 p.m., for the thematic tour Beloved Women, which explores romantic and sensual love through works of art. The protagonist of the tour is Lady Hamilton, told through her famous portraits displayed in the temporary exhibition Sir William and Lady Hamilton, in parallel with the mythological figures of Helen and Thisbe. The cost is €7 per person, excluding the entrance fee. Reservations are required at 800.167.619 or by e-mail at

Visitors can also see the exhibitions Sir William and Lady Hamilton, dedicated to the couple who influenced 18th-century Naples, curated by Francesco Leone and Fernando Mazzocca, with the support of the Italian Embassy in the United Kingdom as well as the support of the British Embassy in Rome, and Andy Warhol. Triple Elvis, curated by Luca Massimo Barbero, which presents a selection of works from the three important graphic cycles previously unseen together: Marilyn, Mao Tse-Tung and Electric Chairs.

Turin - “Valentine’s Day: emotions in art”

At 5 and 6 p.m., a special visit among the permanent collections to discover emotions in art. A journey through the rooms of the Piano Nobile and the Publifoto Archive to learn about the love affairs that have marked the history of their protagonists. The cost is €5 per person, excluding entrance fees, and reservations are required by writing to

Also on view is the exhibition Mitch Epstein, American Nature, the American photographer’s major retrospective. The exhibition, curated by Brian Wallis, presents for the first time brought together Mitch Epstein ’s most significant photographic series from the past two decades in which he explores the conflicts between American society and wilderness in the context of global climate change.

Vicenza - “Divine Passions”

At 5 p.m., the guided tour Passioni divine will lead visitors to discover the loves of Palazzo Leoni Montanari: sculptures, frescoes and decorations reveal the amorous intrigues and passions that inhabit the baroque residence of the noble Vicenza family. Free activity, excluding entrance fee, and reservations are required at

On the occasion of Valentine’s Day, the Ivan Bruschi House Museum of Antiques in Arezzo is also offering the special 2-for-1 admission promotion throughout the day. In addition, at 5 p.m. there will be a guided tour A Casa Bruschi con amore, designed for all passionate lovers of art and antiques. A journey to discover the eclectic Bruschi collection, through a path dedicated to the theme of love and passion: anecdotes, secrets and curiosities to follow in pairs, but also alone or with friends. The activity is free, excluding the entrance fee, and reservations are recommended at 0575354126 or e-mail

A unique opportunity to celebrate Valentine’s Day among art, history and culture in the cities of Milan, Naples, Turin, Vicenza and Arezzo.

Pictured: Francesco Valaperta, Mi ama o non mi ama (1871; oil on canvas, 51.5 x 41 cm; Milan, Fondazione Cariplo Collection, Gallerie d’Italia - Milan)

Valentine's Day at Gallerie d'Italia: themed guided tours and 2-for-1 promotions on admission
Valentine's Day at Gallerie d'Italia: themed guided tours and 2-for-1 promotions on admission

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