Tree of Life lights up in honor of Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024

Pesaro opens the sculpture-digital installation "Biosphere," unique in Europe, a representation of the relationship between nature, science and culture in the year of Pesaro 2024.

Pesaro 2024 lit its Tree of Life with a ceremony that drew thousands of citizens to Piazza del Popolo who flocked to witness the unveiling of the Biosphere, a sculptural-digital installation unique in Europe with its 4-meter diameter and more than 2 million LEDs. A living, interacting work in dialogue with the city and the community, designed to narrate and share The Nature of Culture of the Italian Capital of Culture and “launch Pesaro into the future of modernity,” said Matteo Ricci, mayor of Pesaro. The Biosphere will be a place of aggregation, cultural and technological promotion through the audiovisual interventions that will cross its millions of Leds and combine art and science, cultural heritage and technology, history and innovation. The installation is the result of the convergence of digital media, is a heritage of the city, an artistic element, an innovative structure that generates content and devoted to research and development of technologies designed to enhance its engagement and tourism. Designing the installation were from Federico Rossi (associate professor in digital architecture at London South Bank University) and Andrea Santicchia, (transdisciplinary artist and lecturer at the Interaction Design course at IUAV) of Artifact Studio. The installation is space in which to converge and arrange a multidisciplinary dialogue by hosting works of artistic and scientific nature.

The first work is Pesaro 2024, which aims to enhance the city’s territory and culture. 360-degree videos of the territory’s landscape, historical, artistic and cultural heritage are displayed on the spherical surface. Distorting canonical perception, the spherical vision, opens up to a three-dimensional dimension and immerses the audience in an experience of space somewhere between the real and digital worlds.

The second work, Data Visualization Climate Change, transforms data and algorithms from abstract entities into visualizations and simulations that stimulate reflection on the relationship between man and planet by connecting nature, science and technology. Data from the EU’s Copernicus satellites, via ESA, become a visual language in the project. Artificial intelligence and generative art translate climate data into aesthetic compositions, promoting environmental awareness through visual simulations.

The third work, Matter, is a digital sculpture within the structure-sphere modeled in real-time by the movement of viewers around it. Biosphere is envelope, shell containing multiform digital-plastic matter that cracks, fissures and molds. Within it, ever-changing three-dimensional forms develop, animated by the audience’s action in the space. Similar to a technological nature susceptible to erosion, these forms shape and adapt to human influence. The work raises questions about the interaction between humans and the environment, reflecting on the consequences of human actions on matter and the creative and destructive potential. It is a metaphor for the fragility of ecosystems in the face of human impact. Site-specific interventions are planned during the Capital Year; artistic, musical or scientific content within the sphere arising from collaborations with artists, musicians, designers, researchers, schools and other entities.

The Pesaro Biosphere The
Pesaro Biosphere
The Pesaro Biosphere The
Pesaro Bio

“The idea of the Biosphere was born from the need to have a symbol of Pesaro 2024, an icon that could embody and narrate The nature of the culture of our Capital: the cultural challenge and the revival of Peace, which walk in parallel with that of sustainability,” explains the mayor, who continues, "We were inspired by theTree of Life of Expo 2015, a symbol we all have memories of, declining it with an iconic object close to Pesaro: the sphere. It is present in Arnaldo Pomodoro’s ’Ball’, in Sonosfera®ï¸, in Pizza Rossini, in the wheel of the bike that rides the Bicipolitana and in those of the motorcycles of our Land of Pilots and Motors, and in the sun setting over the Adriatic Sea. The Biosphere is an icon, an object of design and high technology, which will make us even more attractive and more competitive. But at the same time that will make people think about climate change. A project realized thanks to the call for bids won by the Municipality of Pesaro, through the Department of Innovation led by Francesca Frenquellucci, of the House of Emerging Technologies (CTE Square, financed by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, with 11million euros), which includes, among other things, the realization of high-level technological projects. Inside the Biosphere you will find the uniqueness and beauty of our city and the planet, enjoy the view.“ And again, ”Yesterday’s was a preview; in general that of the Biosphere’s lighting is the second great ceremony of the Italian Capital of Culture, after the January 20 opening at the Vitrifrigo Arena with President of the Republic Mattarella. That day was extraordinary because we saw the enthusiasm and participation of the people of Pesaro grow, with unique national and international media coverage. We said it would be just the beginning, and so it is: in these weeks the program has begun to take shape, with many cultural and artistic initiatives that will continue at an intense pace in the coming days (on February 29, Rossini’s birthday, the inauguration of the Scavolini Auditorium; on March 1 the citizenship ceremony to Francesco “Pecco” Bagnaia, ed.) Thanks also to law enforcement, Civil Defense, local police, VolontarX and the Pesaro 2024 team."

“And it is also the result of a sharing in which the Administration has invested and which has allowed us to use the existing know-how, enhance it and allocate it to the territory, through ’CTE Square,’ the House of Emerging Technologies, a project that aims to fertilize the companies in the Pesaro 2024 territory, push them to create new products and services to raise their positioning in the areas of culture, tourism and engagement,” explained Councillor for Innovation and Participation Francesca Frenquellucci.

“It is a symbolic project of the Capital,” stressed Daniele Vimini, deputy mayor alderman for Beauty. “Perfect synthesis between technology, heritage and sustainability, the basis of each of the Pesaro 2024 dossier projects. The will present the territory’s heritage and interactive content unprecedented and interacting with the public that will move around the work. It will also be connected to current events, particularly the issue of climate change. It will be a way to connect to the world, to connect the world to Pesaro and make it a meeting point for Pesaro residents and ’temporary citizens’ who will join us for the Capital and who we believe will also become attached to the versatility of this tool capable of overturning the paradigm of the technological object only for specialists.” In fact, the Biosphere is “for everyone,” Vimini continues, “and, at the same time, allows us to raise the technological and artistic caliber of Pesaro 2024; it will be able to interact with artists, designers, musicians to whom we will address an international competition for content creation - along the lines of what has already been activated for the Sonosphere® (ISAC - International Sonosphere® Ambisonics Competition, promoted by the Municipality of Pesaro in collaboration with IRCAM - Centre Pompidou in Paris) - that will qualify and enrich the Biosphere and Pesaro 2024 palimpsest.”

Tree of Life lights up in honor of Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024
Tree of Life lights up in honor of Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024

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