There is time until June 12 to apply for the Cramum Prize, one of the most prestigious prizes for young artists

Until June 12, 2019, you can participate in the seventh edition of the Cramum Prize, one of the most prestigious in Italy for young artists.

The call for entries for the seventh edition of the Cramum Prize, one of the most prestigious awards given to young artists, is open until June 12. The 2019 edition, organized with the support of the Municipality of Varedo, Fondazione Versiera 1718 and Fondazione Cure Onlus, with the Patronage of Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano, Istituto Confucio Università degli Studi di Milano, Ama Nutri Cresci and in collaboration with Studio Museo Francesco Messina and Ventura Projects, as always aims to promote dialogue between generations of artists and enhances young artistic excellences, regardless of their origin, whether they are working today in Italy or in Italian Switzerland. The Prize, directed again this year by critic Sabino Maria Frassà, will operate a selection that will bring to the “final” ten young artists who will be joined by ten contemporary masters, who for this edition are Laura de Santillana, Matteo Fato, Aldo Grazzi, Elena Modorati, Leonardo Nava, Francesco Pignatelli, Aldo Runfola, Paolo Scirpa, Andreas Senoner, and Davide Tranchina.

The works will be evaluated by a jury composed of art personalities including critics, journalists, collectors and gallery owners: Ettore Buganza, Cristiana Campanini, Paola Capata, Camilla Delpero, Riccardo Fausone, Maria Fratelli, Federico Giannini, Giuseppe Iannaccone, Rose Ghezzi, Angela Madesani, Isabella Maffeis, Emanuele Magri, Achille Mauri, Fiorella Minervino, Giovanni Monzon, Annapaola Negri-Clementi, Rischa Paterlini, Iolanda Ratti, Fulvia Ramogida, Michela Rizzo, Elisabetta Roncati, Mario Francesco Simeone, Alba Solaro, Caterina Tognon, Francesca Tribó, Lorenzo Uggeri, Nicla Vassallo, and Giorgio Zanchetti.

The Prize will be hosted at Villa Bagatti Valsecchi in Varedo, and the winner will receive as a prize a Candoglia marble cube donated by the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano, and will be able to exhibit their works at the Francesco Messina Museum. “The search for and enhancement of the artists that the ferment of Milan knows how to generate, attract and grow,” said the museum’s director, Maria Fratelli, “is the reason and goal shared by the Museo Francesco Messina studio with the CRAMUM prize. Because a creative city is such if it knows how to enhance the talent and creativity that animate them.”

“The seventh Cramum Prize,” said Director Frassà, “will investigate what drives man to act and to do better. At a time in history when we are questioning what it means and implies to grow, artists will be asked to propose works that question that theme, taking up, expanding on and rethinking the Kantian maxim ’the starry sky above me, and the moral law within me,’ that is, if the sky is above me, what is within me?”

The six previous editions have seen Andreas Senoner (2018), Giulia Manfredi (2017), Matteo Fato (2016), Francesca Piovesan (2015), Paolo Peroni (2014) and Daniele Salvalai (2013) triumph.

For full details, the call for entries can be downloaded from the non-profit Ama Nutri Cresci website.

Pictured: Francesco Pignatelli, Observatory 8 (2011)

There is time until June 12 to apply for the Cramum Prize, one of the most prestigious prizes for young artists
There is time until June 12 to apply for the Cramum Prize, one of the most prestigious prizes for young artists

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