The relationships between art and cuisine in a book by Fabiana Mendia

Crustaceans, fish, shellfish and seafood in paintings, on tables, in kitchens: the book on art and cooking by Fabiana Mendia

On May 30, the Casa del Cinema in Rome will present the first volume of "Il gusto di raccontare, " the publishing series conceived by Fabiana Mendia, who will attend the event with Francesca Jacobone, President Zètema Progetto Cultura, Giorgio Gosetti, director of the Casa del Cinema, Guido Barendson, journalist and lover of good tables, and Enrico Mascelloni, art critic, while actor and director Sergio Basile will read some critical and literary excerpts.

The book is titled Crustaceans, Fish, Shellfish and Seafood in Paintings, on Tables, in Kitchens, is edited by Fabiana Mendia and discusses the relationship between art and cuisine based on fish and seafood, analyzing paintings by Italian, Flemish, Dutch, French, German, and Spanish authors and some author’s texts.

Casanova recounts the art of loving oysters in company, Goya transfigures the “horrors of war” into slices of salmon, Chardin portrays a race “tinged with red blood, blue nerves and white muscles, like the nave of a polychrome cathedral,” an expressive force that impressed and attracted Proust.A selection of recipes enriches the book with easily replicable experiments inspired by the play of light of fish spilled on the stalls of North Sea markets or gasping on the shores and caves of the Mediterranean.

The narrative of the vast gastronomic setting will run through the reading of still lifes, genre scenes, market, kitchen and banquet scenes from the ancient to the contemporary world. Starting from the illustrated paintings, one will thus enter kitchens, food storage and processing environments, and describe aristocratic feasts, bourgeois luncheons, city fairs and markets. Contextually, critical and literary texts, biographies of famous chefs and original recipes will offer new interpretations for a reinterpretation by gourmandes of all times of historical gastronomy and products of excellence. From paintings to the table, eight delightful treats that will prepare sight, touch, smell and palate for the gastronomic experience.

Fabiana Mendia is an art historian and critic for Il Messaggero, as well as founder of ARTEINDIRETTA, with which she curates the projects Oltre la Mostra, meetings on exhibitions held in major Italian museums, and Il Bello del Gusto.
Below is the complete list of volumes in the “The Taste of Telling” series:
1) Crustaceans, fish, shellfish and seafood;

2) Game, red meat, poultry and pork;

3) Flatbreads, pizzas, breads and doughnuts;

4) Cookies, tea, coffee and chocolate;

5) Vegetables, legumes, mushrooms and truffles;

6) Cold cuts, cheeses, eggs and pies;

7) Pasta, polenta, rice and potatoes;

8) Cakes, desserts, fruits and sorbets.

The book is available in bookstores and at

The relationships between art and cuisine in a book by Fabiana Mendia
The relationships between art and cuisine in a book by Fabiana Mendia

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