The next Rome Quadrennial will have six curators. Here's who they are

The next edition of the Rome Quadriennale, from October 2025 to January 2026, will have as many as six curators. Here are who they are.

The next Quadriennale di Roma, scheduled to run from October 2025 to January 2026, will have as many as six curators. Indeed, the Board of Directors of the Quadriennale di Roma, chaired by Luca Beatrice, has announced the appointment of curators for the 18th edition of the Quadriennale d’Arte. The curators selected are Luca Massimo Barbero, Francesco Bonami, Emanuela Mazzonis di Pralafera, Francesco Stocchi and Alessandra Troncone. The exhibition will also include a historical section curated by Walter Guadagnini, in collaboration with the Quadriennale Library Archive.

The Quadriennale d’Arte is the most prestigious periodic exhibition dedicated to contemporary Italian art, and the 18th edition promises to be a major event on the international cultural scene.

The exhibition is produced by the Fondazione La Quadriennale di Roma, with the support and participation of the Ministry of Culture, the Lazio Region, Roma Capitale and the Rome Chamber of Commerce. It is organized in collaboration with Azienda Speciale Palaexpo.

Pictured, from left: Barbero, Bonami, Mazzonis di Pralafera, Stocchi, Troncone and Guadagnini.

The next Rome Quadrennial will have six curators. Here's who they are
The next Rome Quadrennial will have six curators. Here's who they are

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