The Codex Atlanticus on unique Dolce&Gabbana scarves: auctioned to benefit the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Fashion and art intertwine in a charity auction to benefit the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan: twelve special scarves by Alta Sartoria di Dolce&Gabbana inspired by the plates of Leonardo da Vinci's Atlantic Codex.

Acharity initiative promoted by Dolce&Gabbana in collaboration with Confindustria, Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan and Finarte interweaves fashion and art. Twelve special silk twill scarves, each a unique example of Dolce&Gabbana Alta Sartoria, will be the subject of anauction whose entire proceeds will be donated to the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana of Milan, in support of the protection and preservation of its heritage.

Each scarf is inspired by one of the twelve plates of the Codex Atlanticus featured in the exhibition Imagining the future. Leonardo da Vinci: In the mind of an Italian genius organized by Confindustria that was held in Washington DC in 2023, and now returned to the Biblioteca Ambrosiana where they will rest in the dark for the next three years. From studies on perpetual motion to designs for diggers and mechanical wings, from hydraulics to architecture, the exceptional subjects at the center of these Dolce&Gabbana creations are meant to invite a journey through history toward a modern Renaissance, in a grand celebration of the genius of the Italian mind.

The charity auction, made possible thanks to the support of Finarte, which will not impose any commission on the sale, will be held on March 15, 2024, and will be accessible from around the world online, by written or telephone bidding starting Feb. 16. The scarves will also be available for viewing by appointment at Finarte’s renovated headquarters at Via dei Bossi 2 in Milan. Full details and how to participate in the Dolce&Gabbana Alta Sartoria scarf auction are available at

The Codex Atlanticus on unique Dolce&Gabbana scarves: auctioned to benefit the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana
The Codex Atlanticus on unique Dolce&Gabbana scarves: auctioned to benefit the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana

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