The central role of culture for restart: this is the theme of LuBeC 2021

The annual LuBeC event is back in Lucca: the 17th edition revolves around the fundamental role of culture in restarting the economy.

On Oct. 7 and 8, 2021, the annual appointment with LuBeC returns to the Real Collegio di Lucca, which for its 17th edition focuses on the role of culture in restarting the economy. The PNRR - National Recovery and Resilience Plan for Culture aims to give a decisive boost to the revival of the country’s competitiveness and productivity and intends to put the enhancement of culture at the forefront, along with digitalization and tourism. More than 4 billion euros will be earmarked for culture, particularly for the development of accessibility, digitization and energy efficiency of cultural venues, pe enhancement of villages, promotion of technological and green transition of cultural operators, innovation and eco-design. During the G20 Culture Ministers approved the Rome Declaration in which a central role is assigned precisely to culture as an engine for sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.

LuBeC 2021 intends to shine a spotlight on the challenges, tools and some pilot actions, which find their implementation support in the integration between PNRR and national measures aimed at digitization and sustainability, training and competitiveness, cultural welfare and internationalization, inclusion and new dimensions of residency.

This two-day event will explore through workshops numerous topics that refer back to the PNRR, such as the current situation of cultural enterprises, cultural design for the revitalization and sustainability of territories, new ways of promoting and enhancing culture and artistic heritage elaborated by the Ministry in response to the needs and paradigm shifts dictated by the pandemic, activities to promote innovation and inclusive eco design, and the upcoming programming of the performing arts. Projects and policies, tools and actors from the territories will come together at LuBeC 2021.

Ample space will also be given to the first international summit on immersivity, an experiential and educational journey to understand the opportunities offered by new technologies, with the support of BARCO and in collaboration with Promo PA Fondazione, Immersiva Livorno and Bright Festival.

Finally, an appointment not to be missed is the meeting Cultural Welfare: system actions for a national direction scheduled for the afternoon of October 7: this is organized in collaboration with the Tuscany Region and Parma Italian Capital of Culture 2020+21 with the aim of initiating a discussion on possible territorial and national collaborations, also in terms of policies. In the current economic-social situation, in fact, it appears increasingly urgentto collaborate between the cultural and social-health systems, and there are more and more projects and studies showing how culture makes a strong contribution both in the prevention and promotion of health and in the management and treatment of some human pathologies, as documented by the first scientific literature review (WHO, 2019) on the impact of art on health and well-being. Added to this is also the role that culture can play across the board in achieving theAgenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

LuBeC 2021 aims to be an opportunity to understand what policy tools and processes can be used for a restart that builds on expertise and medium- to long-term projects.

To learn about the program and to register, you can visit

The central role of culture for restart: this is the theme of LuBeC 2021
The central role of culture for restart: this is the theme of LuBeC 2021

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