Sunday, March 6 free museums in Florence and Rome

On Sunday, March 6, Florence and Rome are offering free access to museums and cultural venues. In fact, Metropolitan Sunday is back in Florence, while in Rome free admission is scheduled on the first Sunday of the month.

Metropolitan Sunday is back in the Tuscan capital, which allows residents of the Metropolitan City of Florence free access to the Florentine Civic Museums and Palazzo Medici Riccardi and to participate in scheduled tours and activities.

Visits are proposed to Palazzo Vecchio, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Santa Maria Novella, the Museo Novecento and the Complesso delle Murate, where three exhibitions set up on the occasion of the Black History Fuori le Mura festival, co-founded and directed by Justin Randolph Thompson, are underway. Added are visits to Palazzo Medici Riccardi, where it is also possible to visit the exhibition Benozzo Gozzoli and the Chapel of the Magi, dedicated to the Renaissance master and his relationship with Florence and the Medici family. It will also be possible to take part in visits to the Brancacci Chapel in Santa Maria del Carmine, where it is possible to climb extraordinarily on the scaffolding set up for diagnostic and restoration work (reservations required: or 055 2768224).

Then, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Eleanor of Toledo, initiatives dedicated to this female figure will kick off: in the morning special thematic visits to Palazzo Vecchio, while at 3 p.m. in Santa Maria Novella there will be a conference open to the public. More details on the MUS.E website.

In Rome, residents and non-residents alike will be able to access the civic museums, thearchaeological area of the Circus Maximus and the Mausoleum of Augustus free of charge (with reservations required at They will then be able to visit the Musei Capitolini, the Mercati di Traiano - Museo dei Fori Imperiali, the Ara Pacis Museum, the Centrale Montemartini, the Museo di Roma, the Museo di Roma in Trastevere, the Galleria d’Modern Art, the Museums of Villa Torlonia, the Civic Museum of Zoology, the Giovanni Barracco Museum of Ancient Sculpture, the Carlo Bilotti Museum - Villa Borghese Orangery, the Napoleonic Museum, the Pietro Canonica Museum in Villa Borghese, the Museum of the Roman Republic and Garibaldian Memory, the Museum of Casal de’ Pazzi, the Museum of the Walls and the Villa of Maxentius. And, of course, the permanent collections, ongoing exhibitions and multimedia exhibition projects hosted at these venues.

The exception to free admission is the exhibition Klimt. Secession and Italy, at the Museum of Rome.

The initiative is promoted by Roma Culture, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali. Museum services by Zètema Progetto Cultura.

Pictured, Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome.

Sunday, March 6 free museums in Florence and Rome
Sunday, March 6 free museums in Florence and Rome

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