Summer returns to Palazzo Spinola, series of events on the Four Seasons attributed to Francesco Bassano

A series of appointments at the National Gallery of Palazzo Spinola on the Four Seasons attributed to Francesco Bassano will begin on Tuesday, June 20.

OnTuesday, June 20, at 5 p.m., Palazzo Spinola in Genoa will host the first appointment of the four scheduled in which Farida Simonetti, director of the National Gallery of Palazzo Spinola, will illustrate the Four Seasons, paintings attributed to Francesco Bassano that have been restored by Nino Silvestri’s workshop.

Appointments are scheduled on the start date of each season to present at each meeting the individual painting related to the corresponding season.

The four paintings depict the different agricultural activities: in the canvas depictingSummer, the artist shows the harvest in its various stages.
Manuela Serando will be in charge of reading the details through which the phases of processing will be reconstructed, while Gabriella Aramini will document the success of this subject in works of art.

Each appointment will end with a tasting of products related to the treated season offered by theAssociazione Botteghe Storiche: on Tuesday, June 20, the processing of syrups and fruit jellies from the historic store Pietro Romanengo fu Stefano will be described with a final tasting.

The events are organized by the National Gallery of Palazzo Spinola in collaboration with the Genoa Chamber of Commerce and theHistoric Workshops Association.

Source: press release

Image: Attributed to Francesco Bassano, Summer (Genoa, National Gallery of Palazzo Spinola)

Summer returns to Palazzo Spinola, series of events on the Four Seasons attributed to Francesco Bassano
Summer returns to Palazzo Spinola, series of events on the Four Seasons attributed to Francesco Bassano

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