The 2021 edition of Scripta Festival kicks off in Florence. Art in Words, a festival produced by Associazione Scripta, under the artistic direction of Pietro Gaglianò, which will take place in different venues around the city, opening on Oct. 7 and featuring several events until Oct. 23. The festival is now in its fifth edition, which has as its subtitle Forte movimento (Strong Movement), to evoke the telluric power of art that moves from origins that are not always visible and understandable: a force capable of propagating and reaching everyone, even audiences far from the epicenters of culture. A movement strong enough to solicit alternative visions and trigger transformative processes. At the center of the festival is contemporary artistic culture, with a special focus on critical debate, the history of ideas and the relationship with social studies.
The Scripta Festival program includes the presentation of artists’ books and volumes on the grafts between art and other disciplines with the participation of the authors, authors in conversation with scholars or journalists. There are also exhibitions, recitals, concerts and pedagogical activities that will unfold in the various festival venues. Scripta festival 2021 is being held thanks to the contribution of Fondazione CR Firenze and Brac bookstore, in partnership with Fondazione Architetti Firenze and in collaboration with ARCI Firenze, Fondazione Peccioliper, Villa Romana Firenze, under the patronage of the City of Florence.
The opening takes place Oct. 7 at the Brac Book store in Florence, where Scripta originated 10 years ago, with the installation La storia specially created by artist Vittorio Corsini (1956), visible for the entire month of October. An artist oriented toward social issues that he investigates with different languages, Corsini dwells on the aesthetics of dwelling, belonging, and the cultural complexity of places and communities. Words as phoneme, medium and form also recur frequently in his works. And the word is central in this intervention, recalling some of the artist’s works offered here in a new interpretation where architecture is declined in an intimate dialogue with the public.
This will be followed by nine appointments with art critics, artists, scholars and journalists from Friday, Oct. 8 to Sunday, Oct. 10, taking place at the Palazzina Reale in Santa Maria Novella, headquarters of the Florence Architects Foundation. With its open view of the railway tracks, with the “strong movement” of trains and passengers, and with its being the nerve center of the city, open and accessible, the Palazzina Reale symbolizes the character of contemporary art, a crossroads of languages, signs, and meanings.
This year’s program also investigates the relationship between art and the words of writers, through a selection of volumes featuring narrators and poets of the latest generations: from the presence of the writer Laura Pugno, author of one of the texts contained in Vittorio Corsini’s volume, Voci (published by Gli Ori and realized by the Peccioliper Foundation), to the collection Editoriale, desired and edited by Luca Lo Pinto and published by Humboldt, to Claudio Giunta’s text that accompanies the festival by retracing on the thread of memories the history of the FIAT plant in the Soviet Union, in Giovanna Silva a’s photographic journey to the Russian city of Togliatti (Togliatti, Humboldt). Still, great attention will be devoted to theater and performance practices, with Teresa Macrì and her Slittamenti della performance (Postmedia Books), an indispensable tool for understanding the most controversial of art languages, and Roberta Ferraresi who edited the publication celebrating the 50th anniversary of the most important Italian festival dedicated to the arts of the scene: Santarcangelo 50 Festival (Corraini).
Cultural work, collective practices and the complexity of a world always in “strong movement” find voice in the essays by Lucilla Meloni(Le ragioni del gruppo. A journey through groups, collectives, acronyms, communities in art in Italy from 1945 to 2000, Postmedia Books), Vincenzo Estremo(Theory of reputational labor. Essay on artistic capitalism, Milieu Edizioni) and a.titolo’s publishing project (COMP(H)OST - Interspecies Imaginaries, Nero), which brings together authoritative contributions on an interdisciplinary and interspecies theoretical approach. Fabio Ciaravella will close the three days at the Palazzina Reale with Atlas of Shame. A collective psychoanalytic session for European architecture (LetteraVentidue), an event produced in collaboration with the Architects Foundation.
Scripta Festival will continue in the following weekends in two Case del Popolo (People’s Houses) in the Florence area (SMS di Peretola and CdP Il Progresso), giving continuity to the inspiration that characterized the 2020 edition and consolidating the collaboration with Arci Firenze. Along with book presentations, the Case del Popolo will host artistic interventions and workshops open to the public. Start set for Oct. 16 at the SMS circle in Peretola with director and actress Chiara Lagani who will present La mia battaglia (Einaudi), a text written four hands with Elio Germano. On Oct. 23 at CdP Il Progresso, the festival concludes with artist Fausto Gilberti, author of a successful series of illustrated volumes for the Corraini press dedicated to the lives of the great names in contemporary art, the latest on Keith Haring. Thanks to a collaboration with Arci Firenze and the People’s Houses involved, the program on the 16th and 23rd will also feature two live performances in the evening hours.
Strong Movement also sees a rich schedule of workshops. On Saturday, Oct. 9, in the Sala Spiga of the Palazzina Reale, the Scuola di Santa Rosa, the project of Francesco Lauretta and Luigi Presicce, a drawing symposium open to all, no masters no students, returns. On Oct. 9-16, at SMS in Peretola, artist Fargo will hold a cyanotype workshop and create a wall painting that will be presented to the public on Oct. 16; while on Oct. 22 and 23 at CdP Il Progresso, artist Fausto Gilberti will hold an illustration workshop. Finally, confirming the direct involvement of artists that has always characterized the festival, this year’s graphic design is again by artists Matteo Coluccia and Stefano Giuri. Also from the collaboration with the Architects Foundation comes the presence of Reading Room, an installation designed by Itinerant Office, as part of the New Generations Festival - “New Urban Challenges,” a traveling tool to provide an innovative kind of space for displaying and enjoying books and other publishing products. All events are free admission and in compliance with COVID-19 counter measures. For participation in the Santa Rosa School and workshops by Fargo and Fausto Gilberti, write to
Pictured: the Palazzina Reale of Santa Maria Novella
PROGRAM Thursday 7 - Brac Bookstore 6 p.m. Vittorio Corsini, presentation of the work “The Story,” a site-specific project for the Brac Bookstore Friday 8 - Palazzina Reale di Santa Maria Novella 5.30 - Vittorio Corsini, Voices, Gli Ori 2021, speaker Laura Pugno 6:30 p.m. - Teresa Macrì, Performance Slippages, Postmedia Books 2020 - introduced by Alessandro Iachino 7:30 p.m. - Vincenzo Estremo, Theory of Reputational Labor. Essay on Artistic Capitalism, Milieu Edizioni 2020, introduced by Francesco D’Isa Saturday 9 - Palazzina Reale di Santa Maria Novella 4 p.m. - Scuola di Santa Rosa, with Francesco Lauretta and Luigi Presicce 5:30 p.m. - Luca Lo Pinto, edited by, Editoriale, Humboldt Books 2021, introduced by Daria Filardo 6.30 - a.titolo, edited by, COMP(H)OST - Immaginari Interspecie, Nero 2021, with Francesca Comisso and Luisa Perlo, introduces Pietro Gaglianò 19.30 - Claudio Giunta / Giovanna Silva, Togliatti. La fabbrica della Fiat, Humboldt Books 2020, introduced by Stefano Fabbri Sunday 10 - Palazzina Reale di Santa Maria Novella 5:30 p.m. - Lucilla Meloni, Le ragioni del gruppo. A journey through groups, collectives, acronyms, communities in art in Italy from 1945 to 2000, Postmedia Books 2020, introduced by Laura Lombardi 18.30 - Roberta Ferraresi, edited by, Santarcangelo 50 Festival, Corraini 2021, introduced by Pietro Gaglianò 19.30 - Fabio Ciaravella, edited, Atlas of Shame. a collective psychoanalytic session for European architecture, LetteraVentidue 2020, introduced by Silvia Moretti and Colomba Pecchioli Saturday 16 - Peretola Mutual Aid Society 18.00 - Presentation of the project carried out by Fargo 18.30 - Elio Germano / Chiara Lagani, La mia battaglia, Einaudi 2021, with Chiara Lagani, introduced by Rodolfo Sacchettini 21.00 - Concert curated by Arci Firenze Saturday 23 - Casa del Popolo “il Progresso” 18.30 - Fausto Gilberti, Keith Haring, Corraini 2021, introduced Pietro Gaglianò 21.00 - Show curated by Circolo “Il Progresso”
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Scripta Festival, Florence's art in words festival, returns. Here is the 2021 program |
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