Rome Art in the Cloud, inaugurated the third edition of the international fair of modern and contemporary art

Inaugurated the third edition of Roma Arte in Nuvola, the major international fair of modern and contemporary art set up in the Fuksas Cloud. November 24-26, 2023.

The third edition of Roma Arte in Nuvola, a major international modern and contemporary art fair conceived and directed by Alessandro Nicosia, produced by C.O.R. and promoted with EUR Spa, opened today, Nov. 24, and will remain open to the public until Sunday, Nov. 26, under the artistic direction of Adriana Polveroni and the consultancy of Valentina Ciarallo. Set up in Fuksas’ Nuvola, the event hosts this year more than 150 national and foreign art galleries to offer visitors a multifaceted artistic offer, involving all disciplines, through a rich program of talks, exhibitions, performances and installations.

Inaugurated yesterday morning in front of a large audience of institutional guests and prominent referents from the world of art and culture, the fair aims to confirm itself once again this year as one of the main sector fairs, capable of imposing itself nationally and internationally.

Established as a point of reference for galleries from the Center-South, going to enhance their high potential, the 2023 edition registers a growing presence of galleries from Northern Italy and international ones: from Tel Aviv to Dubai, passing through London, Paris, Barcelona, Knokke up to New York and Osaka. Over 14,000 square meters of exhibition space, divided between modern and contemporary art, respectively on the general floor (ground floor) and the forum (second floor), with the aim of creating a fruitful dialogue between different artistic expressions.

The 2023 edition sees the active participation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Ministry of Culture with a series of targeted initiatives. As an absolute premiere, forty works from the Farnesina Collection will be exhibited in Rome featuring artists such as Michelangelo Pistoletto, Mimmo Paladino, Afro, Agostino Iacurci, and Tommaso Binga

United under the payoff The MiC for Rome Art in the Cloud, some of the Ministry of Culture’s most representative museum and cultural institutions are actively participating in the fair for the first time. MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo presents two central works from its Collection, Untitled (Triple igloo) by Mario Merz and Ciclomóvil by Pedro Reyes, while the Museum of Civilizations, participates with several artists including Victor Fotso Nyie and his ceramic work Suivre ses Reves. And again, the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, which is exhibiting Nero bianco nero (1955), an iconic work by Alberto Burri, and the Archivio Luce Cinecittà, which is presenting two site-specific postings-installations; on the ground floor, a presentation of newsreels dedicated to the major exhibitions of the 1960s, while on the second floor, a review of films produced by the Archives and dedicated to contemporary art.

Significant is the participation of the MiC’s General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity with a digital information island presenting the many activities related to the promotion and support of contemporary visual arts and architecture, as well as cultural and creative enterprises and urban regeneration interventions.

Roma Capitale is also present, with the exhibition The City of Women, which takes shape from the metaphor of Fellini’s memory and is structured in a visual path elaborated on the woman’s body in the consideration of a relationship that almost no longer distinguishes the semantic value of the woman’s body with that of the city of Rome itself.

Central finally is the large exhibition dedicated to Alighiero Boetti, realized in collaboration with the Tornabuoni Arte Gallery. A tribute to the artist, whose 30th anniversary of his death will be celebrated in 2024, the exhibition includes a selection of thirty works on paper, expressions of the artist’s different phases. From Untitled, emblematic of the transition between the poverist and conceptual phases, it continues with the Postal Works and their mathematical permutations, to the so-called Biros and Friezes.

After hosting Israel in the first edition and Ukraine in the second, Roma Arte in Nuvola has chosen to consolidate its international vocation by hosting, this year, Australia as a foreign country presenting a contemporary exhibition offering that finds its vocation in Aboriginal art. The pavilion will host the Aboriginal art exhibition Threads and Lands: painting, sculpture, woodworking and tapestries compose a dynamic collection whose curatorial narrative is inspired by the physical materiality of artworks and the processes of creation. Artists on view include Witjiti George, Nyunmiti Burton, Yaritji Heffernan and Zaachariaha Fielding.

Also returning is the program of talks, hosted on floor N3 of the Cloud, focusing on current issues in the art sector as well, from sustainability to artificial intelligence to the role of art influencers, on which leading voices from Italy and abroad, including artists, curators and collectors, will discuss.

Finally, the awarding of important prizes within the fair (“The best,” “Young” and “Discovery”) is renewed again this year.

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Rome Art in the Cloud, inaugurated the third edition of the international fair of modern and contemporary art
Rome Art in the Cloud, inaugurated the third edition of the international fair of modern and contemporary art

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