Potenza Picena, the Garden of Villa Buonaccorsi reopens extraordinarily to the public

Special reopening of a portion of the Garden of Villa Buonaccorsi in Potenza Picena, an eighteenth-century residence acquired to the state heritage thanks to the right of first refusal exercised in 2022 by the Ministry of Culture. First opening scheduled for June 20.

The Ministry of Culture and the Marche Region announce the upcoming extraordinary reopening of a portion of the Villa Buonaccorsi Garden in Potenza Picena. This is an eighteenth-century residence of great historical and cultural value, recently acquired to the state heritage thanks to the right of first refusal exercised in 2022 by the Ministry of Culture. The first opening is scheduled for June 20, followed by additional dates in June and July, with a view to the subsequent and final reopening of the Garden to the public once the necessary work is completed. These special openings are organized to allow the public to access the Garden even during the restoration and maintenance work. The goal is to gradually expand the spaces accessible to the public as the work progresses.

Entrances will be regulated, allowing access to small groups, in ways that will be jointly determined by the ministerial and regional offices. To this end, an interinstitutional technical table has been activated to determine the most appropriate and compatible modalities with the status of the work.

Detailed information on the procedure for accessing the Garden will be communicated through a public notice on institutional websites, sufficiently in advance to ensure maximum dissemination.

Working in a coordinated manner are the Regional Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture for the Marches, and the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the provinces of Ascoli Piceno, Fermo and Macerata, as the managing bodies of the property, Service VIII of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture, responsible for ministerial funding, and the Cultural Assets and Activities Sector of the Marches Region.

The Villa complex, in view of the state of the site at the time of its acquisition, still needs major restoration work for which the Ministry of Culture and the Region have already allocated significant funds (5 million euros, plus another two million recently provided by the Ministry and another 4 million by the Marche Region).

“The extraordinary reopening of the gardens of Villa Buonaccorsi represents the first step toward the full return to citizens of the enjoyment of this extraordinary cultural heritage, which greatly enriches the value of the Marche region. Thanks to the resources allocated together with the Marche Region and the active collaboration between all the institutions involved, the work of recovery and restoration of the site will proceed apace and soon the community will be able to see this jewel shine,” said Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano.

“Villa Buonaccorsi is an architectural complex of enormous value in our territory,” said Marche Region President Francesco Acquaroli. “The Region has believed from the beginning in the importance of its acquisition as public heritage, a goal for which we have worked in synergy with the Ministry and the municipality. The news of the reopening of the villa’s gardens represents the first important step in making this heritage usable and visitable to the local community and tourists, thanks to the resources that the Ministry and the Region have made available. I want to thank Minister Sangiuliano, the mayor and all those who have contributed to this achievement over the years.”

Photo by Marche Tourism.

Potenza Picena, the Garden of Villa Buonaccorsi reopens extraordinarily to the public
Potenza Picena, the Garden of Villa Buonaccorsi reopens extraordinarily to the public

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