Paolo Uccello, Michelangelo, Murakami, Kiefer. Here are the contents of the sixth issue of our paper

Here is the summary of the sixth issue of Finestre Sull'Arte on paper, dedicated to the theme of war.

There are nine days left until the conclusion of the subscription campaign for our paper-based Finestre Sull’Arte on paper: in fact, there is time until May 15 to subscribe and receive four issues of our quarterly magazine for only 29.90 euros plus shipping. Each issue, 176 color pages bound in elegant paperback, features articles written by established art historians and young talents: for information or to subscribe, you can click on this link.

Issue 6 of the magazine (June-July-August) is devoted to the theme of war (and no, nothing to do with the current pandemic: we don’t like war rhetoric to describe the current situation, and the lineup had been much earlier). However, the health emergency has forced us to make a couple of extraordinary changes: in the next issue, in fact, there will not be the usual agenda of events (unfortunately, the uncertainty about the calendars prompted us to remove it, and for this we are sorry because the agenda is much appreciated), as well as the review of the exhibition will be missing for the first time, since, understandably, the restrictive measures prevented us from moving. We have therefore replaced, for this issue only, the agenda and review with an article from the Grand Tour column and an article from the Works and Artists column. In addition, there will be an additional article for the Wunderkammer column.

Below, here is the table of contents with, in italics, the title of the column(News, about news from the art world; Grand Tour, a journey to discover the most interesting places and museums in Italy, or the works preserved in them; Works and Artists, in-depth itineraries on great artists and their masterpieces; Rendez-vous, a column devoted to collectors and patrons of the past and present; Contemporary Lounge, in-depth looks at contemporary art; Wunderkammer, the iconic objects).

Current Events: the Restoration of Michelangelo’s Pieta Bandini, article by Ilaria Baratta.

Topicality: debate on art in current war scenarios. Speakers: Paolo Brusasco (Lecturer in Near Eastern Archaeology and History of Art, University of Genoa, Director of the Assyria Mission), Barbara Caranza (Restorer, President of CHIEF Onlus - Cultural Heritage International Emergency Force), Massimo Carcione(Lecturer in International Organization of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna), Silvia Chiodi (Research Director, CNR), Franco D’Agostino (Lecturer in Assyriology, University of Rome La Sapienza, and Director of the excavations in Abu Tbeirah, Iraq), Michela De Berardin (Co-editor of The Journal of Cultural Heritage Crime), Elena Franchi (Art historian, researcher, journalist), Manlio Frigo (Professor of International Law, University of Milan), Edoardo Greppi (Professor of International Law, University of Turin), Marco Iamoni (Lecturer in Near Eastern History and Near Eastern and Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Udine; deputy director of the Archaeological Project “Land of Nineveh”), Simona Maggiorelli (journalist, editor of Left), Federica Mucci (Associate Professor of International Law, University of Rome Tor Vergata), Davide Nadali (Associate Professor of Archaeology and Art History of the Ancient Near East, University of Rome La Sapienza), Luca Peyronel (Professor of Archaeology and Art History of the Ancient Near East, University of Milan; Director of the Italian Archaeological Project in the Plain of Erbil), Christopher Prescott (Archaeologist, University of Oslo; Director of the Norwegian Institute in Rome).

Works and artists: the Battle of San Romano by Paolo Uccello, article by Mauro Minardi.

Works and artists: the “private” Risorgimento, article by Federico Giannini.

Works and artists: war according to Futurism, article by Jacopo Suggi.

Grand Tour: war as the basis of the identity of Renaissance Rome in the Appartamento dei Conservatori, article by Claudia Farini.

Grand Tour: war and peace in sixteenth-century Genoese frescoes, article by Giacomo Montanari.

Rendez-vous: Federico da Montefeltro condottiero and patron, article by Ilaria Baratta.

Contemporary Lounge: Anselm Kiefer and the poetics of ruins, article by Cristina Principale(cover story).

Contemporary Lounge: Takashi Murakami and his “Hiroshima pop,” article by Chiara Guidi.

Contemporary Lounge: Petrit Halilaj and the cultural identity of Kosovo, article by Francesca Della Ventura.

Wunderkammer: the Islamic griffon of the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo in Pisa, article by Gabriella Garzella.

Wunderkammer: the B53 samurai armor from the Royal Armory in Turin.

Paolo Uccello, Michelangelo, Murakami, Kiefer. Here are the contents of the sixth issue of our paper
Paolo Uccello, Michelangelo, Murakami, Kiefer. Here are the contents of the sixth issue of our paper

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.