On Sunday, May 7, all of Rome's civic museums will be free of charge

Free admission for all civic museums in Rome on May 7. It will be possible to visit the permanent collections and current exhibitions. Thus, the civic museums follow the state museums.

On May 7, for the first Sunday of the month, Rome ’s civic museums will also applyfree entry like the state museums: free entry therefore for everyone in the city’s civic museums and some of the city’s archaeological areas such as the Circus Maximus (from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., last entry at 6 p.m.) and the Imperial Forums (entry from Trajan’s Column from 9 a.m. to 7:15 p.m., last entry one hour earlier). These civic museums open: Musei Capitolini; Mercati di Traiano - Museo dei Fori Imperiali; Museo dell’Ara Pacis; Centrale Montemartini; Museo di Roma a Palazzo Braschi; Museo di Roma in Trastevere; Galleria d’Arte Moderna; Musei di Villa Torlonia; Serra Moresca di Villa Torlonia; Museo Civico di Zoologia; Museo di Scultura Antica Giovanni Barracco; Museo Carlo Bilotti - Aranciera di Villa Borghese; Museo Pietro Canonica at Villa Borghese; Museo Napoleonico; Museo della Repubblica Romana e della memoria garibaldina; Museo di Casal de’ Pazzi; Museo delle Mura; Villa di Massenzio. The initiative is promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali. Free admission compatible with the capacity of the sites. Reservations required for groups only at Roma Capitale contact center 060608 (9 a.m. to 7 p.m.).

It will be possible to visit both the permanent collections and temporary exhibitions, starting with the Capitoline Museums where, on the occasion of the 2776th Christmas of Rome celebrations, the VRBS Roma exhibition was opened to the public in the Tapestry Room of the Palazzo dei Conservatori in which is displayed, for the first time, a gilded glass depicting the goddess Rome, personification of the city according to widespread iconography, with helmet and spear, found during excavations for the construction of the Metro C station at Porta Metronia. In the rooms on the third floor of Palazzo Caffarelli, La Roma della Repubblica, the second chapter (after the 2018 exhibition La Roma dei Re (Rome of the Kings )) of the cycle Il Racconto dell’Archeologia (The Tale of Archaeology), based mainly on the city-owned collections kept in the warehouses and museums of the Superintendency, is still running. The exhibition has recently been enriched with multimedia content that evocatively and engagingly narrates the events of Rome’s republican history through the centuries. Also on view in the ground-floor rooms of the Palazzo dei Conservatori is the multimedia exhibition project Cursus honorum. The government of Rome before Caesar, in which the magistracies of the Republican age, a cornerstone of the political life of ancient Rome, are re-enacted, while, in the Hall of the She-Wolf and Ancient Fasti of Palazzo dei Conservatori, with The Legacy of Caesar and the Conquest of Time the history of Rome from its origins to the dawn of the imperial age is told.

Also continuing at the Centrale Montemartini is the exhibition Colors of the Romans. Mosaics from the Capitoline Collections, which, through the colorful texture of recently restored marble tesserae, some of which have never before been exhibited, tells fragments of the history of the city of Rome while also illustrating the original contexts of their discovery.

For the exhibition program of contemporary Italian art QUOTIDIANA, hosted in the small rooms on the ground floor of the Museo di Roma at Palazzo Braschi and promoted by the Quadriennale di Roma, these are the exhibitions that can be visited until May 7: the project of twins Carlo and Fabio Ingrassia (Catania 1985) for the section PAESAGGIO; the work of young artist Marta Naturale (Mirano 1990) for the section PORTFOLIO.

There are two exhibitions that can be visited at the Museo di Roma in Trastevere on the first Sunday of May: on the tenth anniversary of the death of the great musician, composer and conductor, the rooms on the ground floor host the exhibition Armando Trovajoli. A Legend in Music where it is possible to retrace, through a rich collection of documents, photos, videos, music and personal objects, his entire career. Also continuing is I Romanisti. Cenacoli e vita artistica da Trastevere al Tridente (1929 - 1940) which, in about 100 works including painting, sculpture, graphics, photography and documents, outlines life and culture in Rome between the late 1920s and 1940.

The Casino dei Principi of Villa Torlonia hosts the exhibition dedicated to the Roman artist Primarosa Cesarini Sforza, which traces the fifty years of her activity, illustrating the milestones, from her long American period to her return to Italy and her most recent production. Through a careful selection of works, the stages of a creative research carried out between memory and future in a continuous intertwining of exchanges and relationships with artists and cultures encountered in her many travels are recounted.

At the Gallery of Modern Art, the exhibition Pasolini pittore focuses on Pier Paolo Pasolini’s painting skills in the context of twentieth-century art history, one hundred years after his birth (1922-2022). In the graphics room, Visual Diary. An exhibition by Liana Mi uccio is a visual journey, in the form of a diary, constructed through Liana Miuccio’s photos and video in dialogue with Jhumpa Lahiri’s written word.

Also on view at the Museo Carlo Bilotti in Villa Borghese is Pericle Fazzini, the sculptor of the wind, an exhibition that traces the entire creative life of the master from the Marche region through sculptures of various sizes (wood, bronze and plaster), drawings and graphic works: from the first tests of the 1930s and 1940s to the original sketches of the Resurrection of the Pier Luigi Nervi hall in the Vatican. The path of the artist, one of the most appreciated authors of the Roman School, is among the highest testimonies of sacred art of the 20th century.

Still on view at the Museum of the Walls is the exhibition Bōchōtei. Lives in the Shadow of the Wall. Enrico Graziani, a photographic exhibition focused on the consequences of the construction of mighty tsunami-protection walls, looking primarily at the architectural and social impact and the daily lives of the inhabitants. The exhibition contains forty-two shots by photographer Enrico Graziani, taken mainly in and around the towns of Kesennuma and Rikuzen Takata.

Exceptions to the free admission: Circus Maximo Experience, the augmented and virtual reality tour of Circus Maximus, which can be enjoyed from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (every 15 minutes, last admission at 1:50 p.m.; www.circomaximoexperience.it), and the Planetarium. Reduced ticket admission is allowed for MIC Card holders.

All information and updates are available at www.museiincomuneroma.it and culture.roma.it and on the social channels of Roma Culture, the Museum System and the Capitoline Superintendent of Cultural Heritage. Museum services provided by Zètema Progetto Cultura.

Image: the Centrale Montemartini

On Sunday, May 7, all of Rome's civic museums will be free of charge
On Sunday, May 7, all of Rome's civic museums will be free of charge

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