The Uffizi Galleries will also participate in the initiative promoted by MiBAC for Saturday, May 18, 2019: on the occasion of the Night of Museums, the famous Florentine museum venue will be extraordinarily open to the public from 7 to 10 p.m.
Visitors will thus have the opportunity to visit at night the rooms of the museum that hold great masterpieces of art history at the symbolic cost of one euro.
The initiative is now in its fourth edition and is already expected to be a great success; museums, monumental complexes, archaeological areas and parks will offer many initiatives and activities for this day.
The theme of this edition is Museums as cultural hubs: the future in tradition, which refers to the proposed theme for the 2019 Kyoto General Conference.
To follow and tell about the Festa dei Musei on social media, the official hashtags are #FestadeiMusei2019 #NottedeiMusei #IMD2019 #MiBAC #museumsitaliani.
The full program of the initiative can be found on the MiBAC website.
Night of the Museums at the Uffizi Galleries |
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