Museums that Shine kicks off, the evening event to discover the cultural places of ValSeriana and Val di Scalve

The Mus.E.O. Circuit presents the first edition of "Musei che Brillano," the new series of evening events created to discover the cultural places of ValSeriana and Val di Scalve with an intense program of events.

With thirty-four museums, museum collections and private galleries, The Mus.E.O. Circuit. - a network of museums in the ValSeriana and Val di Scalve Valleys, created through a collaborative project of Serio Art, a cultural working group of Promoserio that has been leading the enhancement of the area’s rich artistic and natural heritage for almost ten years, presents the first edition of Musei che Brillano, a new series of evening events designed to enhance the art, culture and knowledge of the Valleys through an intense program of events: guided tours, screenings and activities aimed at children, teenagers, adults and families. The initiative will kick off on Wednesday, July 24, and conclude on December 7, 2024.

Activities scheduled for July include an evening on the Four Elements at the Ethnographic Museum in Schilpario (July 24, 8:30 p.m.); an evening under the stars organized by the MAP, Museum of White Arms and Parchments in Gromo (July 27, 8:30 p.m.); and the “Mills in Progress” event at the Mill Museum in Cerete (July 27, 8:30 p.m.).

In August, the program includes three evenings at the Gaffione Mine and Mining Lighting Museum in Schilpario (Antiche Luci, Aug. 2-4, 8:30 p.m.); textile machine demonstrations in Leffe, Martinelli Ginetto Textile Museum (Aug. 7 and 21, 8:30 p.m.); a special night at the Paleontological Park in Cene, with overnight stay included (starting at 8.30, in Cene); the “Stars Above the Oppidum” evening at the Oppidum Parra degli Orobi (Aug. 10, 9 p.m.); a guided tour of the MAT, Museo Arte Tempo Luci e Ombre dell’Ottocento (Aug. 13, 9 p.m.); and the screening of Dalla Pianura alle rocce della Presolana at the Arboreto Alpino Gleno in Vilminore di Scalve (Aug. 18, 9 p.m.).

The program also continues during the fall season with a series of guided tours at the Grono Mine Museum in September, October and November; Silent Disco at Mupic in Nembro; an evening dedicated to local traditions at the Comenduno Tower Ethnographic Museum in Albino; and finally, a visit with readings at the MEtA Museo Etnografico Alta Valle Seriana in Ardesio.

“Promoserio is constantly growing, and the goal of this CDA is to involve in more or less articulated projects more and more realities and operators active in the area,” says Marco Migliorati, president of Promoserio. “For initiatives such as Museums that Shine, Promoserio acts as the coordinating body of an important network such as that of the museums and facilitates dialogue and comparison between those involved in culture in the two Valleys, thus guaranteeing the widespread enhancement of the historical-artistic heritage and encouraging the telling of tourists and visitors about what is preserved and protected in the museums.”

“We are very pleased to present this new initiative, the first in the cultural sphere carried out by the new CDA,” says Patrizia Azzola, Promoserio CDA board member with responsibility for culture. “As Promoserio, we have always believed in the value of participation: this is why we have involved the different museums that are part of the Mus.E.O Circuit, leaving maximum freedom of proposal to the museum realities that already had summer initiatives planned and soliciting the others to elaborate specific initiatives for the first edition of the Musei che Brillano review. The adhesion from the museums was truly remarkable, confirming a shared desire to create a system, and the result is a rich calendar of varied activities aimed at different audiences, from adults to families or just children, which we hope will get a good response.”

The initiative is promoted by Promoserio with the contribution of Comunità Montana Valle Seriana and implemented by the museums participating in the review.

For the full calendar of events:

For details, costs and how to register for individual events visit, or write to or call 035.704063

Museums That Shine poster
Museums That Sparkle Poster

Museums that Shine kicks off, the evening event to discover the cultural places of ValSeriana and Val di Scalve
Museums that Shine kicks off, the evening event to discover the cultural places of ValSeriana and Val di Scalve

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