Monte Isola lights up with Pistoletto's Third Paradise and Bonello's Floating Ballerinas

From July 8 to 23, 2023, Monte Isola will light up with the large site-specific installation Terzo Paradiso dell'Energia from an idea by Pistoletto and with Angelo Bonello's Floating Ballerine.

Art is coming back to Lake Iseo, to Monte Isola: from July 8 to 23 it will be lit up with a large site-specific installation created from an idea by Michelangelo Pistoletto, and some of Angelo Bonello’s iconic works, already exhibited at Light is Life-Festa delle Luci A2A, which took place last February in Bergamo and Brescia, will shine again.

As part of the events for Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023, Monte Isola will be illuminated by the Third Paradise of Energy, created in collaboration with Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto thanks to the support of A2A and Fondazione Banco dell’energia, the philanthropic organization that supports people in economically and socially vulnerable conditions and carries out projects related to the fight against energy poverty.

The unprecedented work will be installed in Le Ere locality and will be composed of sixteen piles of nets, as many as the municipalities of Lake Iseo, crossed and united by a Led perimeter, outlining the reinterpretation of the mathematical sign of infinity created by Michelangelo Pistoletto.

While the work stages and spectacularizes the network, one of the Island’s emblems, a symbol of the local craft tradition and a current economic district of international significance, on theother hand, the ’physical’ networks become a metaphor for the interconnection that binds the fate of the individual to that of the whole society, and that of man to that of the planet, as well as the cooperation and social networks that the Third Paradise intends to trigger, in Monte Isola expressed by the Energy Bank. The work is made from reused materials, the nets produced on the island and the LED lights discarded from the Light is Life works, as a sign of infinite rebirth. The work becomes a gesture of social innovation, in the tradition of the Third Paradise project, with the belief that art can and should participate in generating social change, spreading awareness and activating territorial cooperation.

“The Third Paradise of Energy in Monte Isola,” Pistoletto says, “is an emblematic case of how Contemporary Art - according to what we design and experience at Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto ONLUS - is not limited to generating projects, installations and artistic performances, but can and must contribute to social change and innovation. On these principles, we immediately found ourselves in tune with A2A and the Energy Bank, the protagonist of the important mission of combating energy poverty. So in Monte Isola and Lake Iseo we have planned educational workshops for schools on this issue-in schools young people must become aware of their active role in society: we have started an energy community path that will involve some municipalities of Lake Iseo; we plan an intervention of ’artist residency’ that using the materials discarded by the main work will leave creative traces on the Island also for the future; we will organize meetings that will involve urban and cultural operators of the territories of Brescia and Bergamo. This is the change we are working for with the Third Paradise projects in Italy and abroad.”

For the occasion, on the lakefront between Peschiera Maraglio and Sensole, Floating Ballerina and Ballerina Sequence, the two iconic works by Angelo Bonello, which have already been exhibited on the occasion of Light is Life. A2A Festival of Lights and in which the image of the classical ballerina is understood as an icon of beauty and outward elegance, but also as an emblem of the hard discipline required to approach an ideal of perfection that costs sacrifice.

As if their life energy came from the Third Paradise, the light sculptures will come to life illuminating the island and lake waters from sunset to after midnight. The twenty Ballerina Sequence silhouettes, installed on the shore, will form a close dialogue with the Floating Ballerina, which will move across the lake waters during the weekends, recreating an evocative dance. Water thus becomes the conducting material of light, reflective and emissive, offering visitors a dual point of view, from land to horizon and vice versa.

Light is Life once again becomes a vehicle for promoting Fondazione Banco dell’energia’s work against energy poverty. Starting in mid-June, the A2A Brescia and Bergamo Light Festival catalog - produced by Electa, with photos by Alberto Petrò and Andrea Gilberti, narration by Angelo Bonello, Nicolas Ballario and the artists involved - will be available online, in bookstores and, during the Monte Isola event, at the local tourist infopoint. Purchases will help support the Energy Bank Foundation’s projects to help area families in need.

Pictured is Floating Ballerina.

Monte Isola lights up with Pistoletto's Third Paradise and Bonello's Floating Ballerinas
Monte Isola lights up with Pistoletto's Third Paradise and Bonello's Floating Ballerinas

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