Milan, the creativity of eighty women artists in eighty designer mugs

On the occasion of Milan Design Week 2021, eighty women artists made their own design mug from a variety of materials. Unique pieces are on display.

On the occasion of Milan Design Week 2021, the association DcomeDesign presents the exhibition Sono tazza di te! curated by Anty Pansera and Patrizia Sacchi: the exhibition will be held from September 5 to 10 in the spaces of the ceramic workshop where Marieda di Stefano worked, now part of Casa Museo Boschi di Stefano in Milan.

Eighty mugs signed by eighty women designers, artisans, artists, architects, in a word “artisans,” masters in the use of the most diverse materials, who through their imagination have created the most diverse types of mugs, will be on display there.

The title of the exhibition plays on ambiguity: SONO TAZZA DI TE! refers to the classic locution “I’m crazy about you!” to signify the passion, the curious and ingenious spirit that characterizes female creativity.

The selection of the artworks in the exhibition was the result of an open call launched last March that registered a great participation: more than three hundred applications arrived, 216 were selected by the DcomeDesign Association, and 65 projects were chosen for the exhibition. In addition, the Association also invited fourteen special guests, such as Alessandra Baldereschi, Gabriella Benedini, Annalisa Cocco, Caterina Crepax, Laura Fiaschi (GUMDESIGN), Daniela Gerini, Silvia Levenson, Chiara Lorenzetti, Antonella Ravagli, Elena Salmistraro, Marta Sansoni, Annarita Serra, Sabrina Sguanci, and Angela Simone, to create their own mug.

Each mug represents the subjectivity, personality and eclecticism of the artisans involved, who have used various types of materials: from the more traditional ceramic, declined in different forms and especially different manufacturing techniques, from glass and mosaic, passing through different types of papers, silver, steel, marbles and textiles to plastics and recycled materials, not forgetting also the use of the 3D printer.

The cups on display transcend classical use to become unique pieces with decorative character and conceptual and archetypal significance. Also significant in this sense are many of the titles, such as I ’ve drunk my brains, I’m going out tonight!, Genderbell, Vanity Chinon.

The exhibition also includes two important tributes to two honorary members of DcomeDesign: Muky, born in 1926, a ceramist and eclectic protagonist of Faenza culture, and Antonia Campi whose revisitation of her historic Gallina mug, from the service of the same name (1951 for SCI-Laveno), is proposed by the Caselli-De Sanctis Rare Address Institute of Capodimonte directed by Valter Luca De Bartolomeis.

To underscore the mission of design for social welfare, at the end of the exhibition the cups of the fourteen special guests will be auctioned off by Jean Blanchaert to benefit the Arché Foundation, with the aim of organizing and developing a ceramic decoration workshop by the Impronte Association of Nova Milanese, for women supported by the Arché Foundation, open to the territory.

For more info:

Hours: 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Free admission

Milan, the creativity of eighty women artists in eighty designer mugs
Milan, the creativity of eighty women artists in eighty designer mugs

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