Mercanteinfiera, the event dedicated to antiques, modern antiques and vintage collecting, is back in Parma

From Oct. 12 to 2024, Mercanteinfiera returns to Parma Fairs, the event dedicated to collectors and enthusiasts of antiques, modern antiques and vintage collecting.

From October 12-20, 2024, Mercanteinfiera returns to Fiere di Parma, the event dedicated to collectors and enthusiasts of antiques, modern antiques and vintage collectibles. This edition will host about a thousand international exhibitors, who will present in the four large exhibition halls designer objects and rare antiques: an unmissable event for those who love to fantasize with old jukeboxes or who are looking for the unusual design piece to complete their living room. An international fair (6,000 industry professionals and about 60,000 visitors are expected) whose protagonists include more and more buyers from Generation Y (i.e., those born between 1980 and 1994), who, according to the latest Deloitte report, account for 40 percent of new bidders, interested not only in works by contemporary artists, but in design, handbags and jewelry.

As part of Mercanteinfiera, there will also be three side exhibitions dedicated to various themes: from ointments preserved in Egyptian balsamariums, Greek, Syrian and Roman alabastrum, to the exploration of the last frontier of space design in the discovery of lunar “houses,” to the Beatles.

The Shape of Perfume: Bottles between Art and History is a journey featuring the history of perfume, in collaboration with Collezione Monica Magnani. Objects such as a 17th-century German perfume box, made at a time when perfume still had a balsamic and disease-protecting function. And perfume holders that literally tell the story, such as a green glass and brass bottle attached to a men’s watch chain, showing a cannon and some words in Bulgarian meaning “Society of the Evil Valley Klisura” and the date 1876, a reference to the “April Uprising,” when many Bulgarian villages rebelled against the Ottoman Empire.

Mercanteinfiera, Parma
Mercanteinfiera, Parma
Mercanteinfiera, Parma
Mercanteinfiera, Parma
Mercanteinfiera, Parma
Mercanteinfiera, Parma

Shoot for the moon: how we will inhabit our satellite, in collaboration with the European Space Agency ESA projects directly out of Earth’s orbit, aiming to capture all aspects of space design and its important role in returning to and staying on the moon, 54 years after the historic Apollo 11 moon landing. Photographs, drawings and futuristic materials will recount the frontier work of men and women committed to traveling “that extra millimeter toward the unknown,” as Tommaso Ghidini writes in Homo Caelestis.

The third collateral is instead dedicated to the “boys from Liverpool”: Beatlemania: a stroll through the history of the Fab Four, in collaboration with the Beatles Museum of Brescia and the Patronage of Beatlesiani d’Italia Associati. A collateral made to celebrate the 60th anniversary of A Hard Day’s Night, the title of the song, as well as the album of the same name, and also of the Beatles’ film, which in Italy took the title Tutti per uno! With A Hard Day’s Night, Beatlemania exploded from England to the United States and then spread throughout the world.

In addition to the three side exhibitions, there are also events planned for Saturday, October 12, inside Hall 4.

In fact, on the occasion of the Beatlemania exhibition, Mercanteinfiera will host at 12 noon the cover band The Menlove, to inaugurate the 43rd fall edition of the event. In the afternoon, on the other hand, two talks are scheduled to delve into the theme of space addressed by the exhibition Shoot for the moon: how we will inhabit our satellite in collaboration with the European Space Agency ESA: at 2:30 p.m. Tutta colpa dell’allunaggio di Apollo 11 (e non solo). Benefits, Challenges and Impact on Humanity of the Lunar Enterprise, in which Marco Bastoni, popularizer of science (Passione Astronomia) and Pasquale D’Anna, doctor of engineering and popularizer of science (Passione Astronomia) will speak, while at 4 p.m. there will be Homo Caelestis: Luca Ponzi’s interview with Tommaso Ghidini at the Edge of Space, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the European Space Agency.

“Mercanteinfiera,” declares brand manager Ilaria Dazzi, “expresses the very essence of the collector, a person we can truly say is engaged in a grand mission: to save a corner of the world, big or small. We live in objects and objects tell about us, they tell us stories. That is why we are so doggedly committed to saving and preserving them. Mercanteinfiera is a true encyclopedia of the world.” “The strength of the fair, ”m he concludes, “is its ability to unite people and objects that, edition after edition, manages to attract new audiences and anticipate trends. Truly an expression of kaleidoscopic collecting.”

For all info, hours and tickets, you can visit

Mercanteinfiera, the event dedicated to antiques, modern antiques and vintage collecting, is back in Parma
Mercanteinfiera, the event dedicated to antiques, modern antiques and vintage collecting, is back in Parma

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