Inside a quarry in Carrara the premiere of the film "Michelangelo Infinito" (here are the photos). Tonight on Sky Arte the backstage

In Carrara, in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini, the premiere of the film 'Michelangelo Infinito'. And tonight on Sky Arte a special with backstage and special content.

The film Michelangelo Infinito, a Sky and Magnitudo production, directed by Emanuele Imbucci and starring Enrico Lo Verso as Michelangelo Buonarroti and Ivano Marescotti as Giorgio Vasari, was presented last Sunday in Carrara, inside the Calacata Borghini’s Cava Ruggetta quarry.The film will be distributed by Lucky Red from September 27 in Italian cinemas.

The premiere of the film held in the tunneled marble quarry on Mount Crestola in the Apuan Alps, just above the town of Carrara, was attended by a number of international guests, all of whom were accompanied to the unusual movie theater at high altitude by off-road vehicles that are routinely used to travel the quarry routes: In addition to director Imbucci and actors Lo Verso and Marescotti, the director of photography, Maurizio Calvesi, Sky art cinema director and artistic director of Michelangelo infinito, Cosetta Lagani, the director of the Contemporary Art Department of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Dimitri Ozerkov, and the director of the Accademia Gallery in Florence, Cecilie Hollberg, were present. The location was purposely chosen because, in a document dated March 6, 1517, one of Michelangelo’s suppliers, Matteo di Cuccarello, writes that he received money from Michelangelo to have marble quarried from the quarry “posta nella alpe di Carrara in loco dicto a Rozeto”: this is probably the present quarry of Ruggetta.

The film was made in collaboration with the Vatican Museums and Vatican Media, with the recognition of MiBAC - Direzione Generale Cinema, and in collaboration with the Regional Council of Tuscany, with the patronage of the City of Florence and the City of Carrara. “The film,” reads the official synopsis, “traces a compelling portrait with a strong emotional and visual impact of the man and theartist Michelangelo, on the one hand shy and restless, capable of strong contrasts and passions, but also of great courage in upholding his own convictions and ideologies, hand in hand with the cinematic narrative of his vast artistic production, including sculpture, painting and drawings, with spectacular shots in ultra definition (4K HDR) and from unprecedented and exclusive points of view, to which are added surprising reconstructions through evolved and sophisticated digital effects.”

In addition, a special dedicated to Michelangelo infinito will be aired on Sky Arte tonight at 8:15 p.m.: behind-the-scenes footage will be shown with exclusive images, stories from the actors involved, interviews and more.

Below are photos from the premiere of Michelangelo Infinito in the Ruggetta Quarry in Carrara.

The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara
The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara. Ph. Credit Gianluca Baronchelli

The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara
The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara. Ph. Credit Gianluca Baronchelli

The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara
The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infin ito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara. Ph. Credit Gianluca Baronchelli

The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara
The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infin ito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara. Ph. Credit Gianluca Baronchelli

The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara
The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infin ito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara. Ph. Credit Gianluca Baronchelli

The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara
The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infin ito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara. Ph. Credit Gianluca Baronchelli

The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara
Emanuele Imbucci during the premiere of the film Michelangelo Infin ito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara. Ph. Credit Gianluca Baronchelli

The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara
Ivano Marescotti and Enrico Lo Verso during the premiere of the film Michelangelo Infin ito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara. Ph. Credit Gianluca Baronchelli

The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara
Cosetta Lagani, Sky art cinema director and artistic director of the film, during the premiere of Michelangelo Infin ito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara. Ph. Credit Gianluca Baronchelli

The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara
Marco Borghini of Calacata Borghini during the premiere of the film Michelangelo Infin ito in Calacata Borghini’s Cava Ruggetta in Carrara. Ph. Credit Gianluca Baronchelli

The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara
The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infin ito in Calacata Borghini’s Cava Ruggetta in Carrara. Ph. Credit Gianluca Baronchelli

The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infinito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara
The premiere of the film Michelangelo Infin ito in the Cava Ruggetta di Calacata Borghini in Carrara. Ph. Credit Gianluca Baronchelli

Inside a quarry in Carrara the premiere of the film
Inside a quarry in Carrara the premiere of the film "Michelangelo Infinito" (here are the photos). Tonight on Sky Arte the backstage

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