In Milan, an event that revives ... the Titanic experience

In Milan, an immersive exhibition reconstructs the Titanic's voyage. Also featuring sections with artifacts from the great ocean liner.

An exhibition in which to relive places and events, discover names and emotions, reveal anecdotes and secrets of a moment destined to change an entire era, the sinking of the Titanic. A chance to retrace one of the most memorable events of the 20th century. It is Titanic: An Immersive Voyage. InMilan, from Aug. 7, theMilan Exhibition Hub Art Center in Scalo Farini is hosting an exhibition on the great Titanic adventure, a co-production of Exhibition Hub and Fever with the Patronage of the Municipality of Milan, Municipio 9. Among scenic reproductions, authentic objects, memorabilia and three-dimensional visions aboard what was called the world’s largest ship, nicknamed “the unsinkable.”

For more than 112 years, this universe has been lying nearly four thousand meters below the surface... but also in the collective imagination of entire generations. For this story has never ceased to fascinate people from all parts of the globe, among countless films and documentaries, winning the hearts of those who can never forget James Cameron ’s famous 1997 Hollywood colossal. Among the exhibits on display are documents of Titanic’s construction, as well as boarding tickets of the White Star Line, her shipping company: today, for a first-class seat, one would have spent about 60 thousand euros. And then crew paraphernalia (from the captain’s hat to sailors’ uniforms and accessories) to elements of the famous Central Staircase, such as one of the decorative angels inspired by the Palace of Versailles. This is followed by dining room furnishings and parts of the wreckage identified by the Minia Ship, which, tasked with finding the missing, recovered many wooden parts of the furnishings, including the steps of the Central Staircase.

One section is devoted to the furnishings of the rooms, with even specimens from the third class. Fundamental to understanding the perfect aesthetics of this floating Grand Hotel, but also the fashion of the time: depicted just as worn by the ladies on the Titanic and expertly reconstructed in James Cameron’s film of which accessories and props are admired in the collection. Unmissable is one of the copies used in the film of the “Heart of the Ocean,” the jewel of the protagonist Rose. Also present are a selection of shoes and accessories of the protagonist herself and other characters (such as the white Leonardo DiCaprio/Jack T-shirt) and other merchandise. Several exhibits illustrating intimate and personal stories. Among the letters is one from Thomas Andrews, chief designer on board on the maiden voyage, written to his wife and baby daughter. One thus continues among the 13 rooms devoted to what, in the early 20th century, was conceived as a miracle of mechanics, luxury and technology.

Also present, a multimedia tour allows one to literally plunge into the depths of this history. Discovering the iceberg from its formation (which began about 100,000 years ago) to the fatal collision, reproducing the frantic moments of the disastrous accident through the dramatic messages that were exchanged: tales and dialogues of what, instead of a movie, was tragic reality. In this exhibition now landed in Europe, which chooses Italy for its debut, it will be even easier to understand how sinking that dream was a pure fatality, certainly not a mechanical accident or a design error. Indeed, that of the Titanic was a dream come true for unsuspecting passengers of all classes and walks of life.

For all information, you can visit the event’s official website.

In Milan, an event that revives ... the Titanic experience
In Milan, an event that revives ... the Titanic experience

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