Great contemporary art in Turin: coming soon Artissima 2017

The 2017 edition of Artissima, Turin's contemporary art fair, is coming soon: many new features this year. We anticipate a few of them.

The 24th edition of Artissima, one of the most importantcontemporary art fairs on the international scene, will be held atOVAL in Turin. The 2017 edition will take place from November 3 to 5 and will be marked by novelties, especially on the new talent front: Artissima thus also consolidates its role as a laboratory for the discovery of new names in art.

Among the new features we will see this year in the event, which will be directed for the first time by Ilaria Bonacossa, a new Drawings section, joining the historic Present future already open since 2001 and Back to the future inaugurated in 2010, a new team of curators involving personalities Italian and international personalities, a new exhibition project called Il Deposito d’Arte Italiana Presente, curated by Ilaria Bonacossa and Vittoria Marini and which will host loans of works of art from 1994 to the present from Piedmont institutions and from the galleries at the fair, and also the new meeting program PIPER. Learning at the discotheque (which will be housed in an environment inspired by Turin’s historic Piper discotheque), a digital platform with a constantly updated catalog of works, the #SocialRoom where the public can recharge their devices and find digital inspiration, and a renewed focus on food and wine research. Then there will be three new prizes: theOGR Award, the prize from the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT aimed at acquiring a work for the OGR - Officine Grandi Riparazioni di Torino; the Refresh Premio Irinox, which will be given to the artist who “reinvents by conserving” the art of drawing; and finally, the Campari Art Prize, which will award an artist under 35. And again, the After Artissima lounge, organized for guests with exhibitor badges, VIPs and press and taking place at the historic Società Canottieri Esperia from Thursday, Nov. 2 to Saturday, Nov. 4, from 10:30 p.m. to 3 a.m.

A fair that therefore continues to innovate, to collaborate with cultural institutions in the area, and to attract an educated and attentive audience. “The year 2017,” says director Ilaria Bonacossa, "marks an important anniversary, not only for Turin, but for the entire art world: 50 years since the first Arte Povera exhibition (1967), the most revolutionary, exciting and poetic postwar artistic avant-garde that sanctioned the contemporary vocation of this city. To celebrate that creative energy today, Artissima recalls in the spaces of the Oval two surprising but still little-known experiences of those years: the Piper Club in Turin (1966 - 69), and the Deposito dell’Arte Pre sente (1967 - 68). The history of the Piper disco, cradle of a fervent subculture, is evoked by the project PIPER. Learning at the discotheque, in which a lecture-lecture schedule is transformed into an unconventional school. On the other hand, the revolutionary experience of the Deposito, an industrial space opened to present outside “bourgeois” spaces the works of the emerging Arte Povera, is inspiration for the project Deposito d’Arte Italiana Presente in which a warehouse is transformed into an exhibition space to present a selection of works created between 1994 and 2017 by Italian artists of different generations."

For the 2017 edition of Artissima, there will be 206 galleries from 31 countries (including 62 percent foreign exhibitors) on 20,000 square meters of exhibition space, more than 700 artists presented, more than 2,000 works on display, 46 curators and museum directors on juries and special initiatives, and more than 40,000 euros in prizes for artists and galleries. Finestre Sull’Arte is in-kind partner of Artissima: new updates will follow.

Pictured: the OVAL in Turin, Italy.

Great contemporary art in Turin: coming soon Artissima 2017
Great contemporary art in Turin: coming soon Artissima 2017

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