Florence kicks off the XXX edition of Crafts and Palace

From Sept. 13 to 15, 2024, Florence's Corsini Garden will host Crafts and Palace to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the event focused on the highest Italian and European craft tradition.

From September 13 to 15, 2024, Florence ’s Giardino Corsini will host Artigianato e Palazzo to celebrate the event’s Thirtieth Anniversary through a program between tradition and innovation and one hundred new witnesses of the highest Italian and European craft tradition. A significant stage that of the Thirty-Year Anniversary that becomes a witness to the growth path of an exhibition that, born from an intuition of Neri Torrigiani, welcomed and supported with a patronage spirit by Giorgiana Corsini, promoted together with the Corsini Garden Association, now chaired by Sabina Corsini, has been able to change the way of telling the craftsmanship. At Artigianato e Palazzo the public will be able to engage with a new selection of Master Craftsmen for a journey through decorations, sculptures, engravings, furnishings, accessories, weaving, essences and food and wine curiosities and meet the best professionals in the world of restoration; a theme to which the exhibition reserves a focus this year with an area reserved for them in the Scuderie di Palazzo Corsini, as part of the Florence City of Restoration project promoted by the Florence Chamber of Commerce, as well as two round tables and Stefano Lupi’s photography exhibition, a tribute to women restorers. Among the novelties are the three special projects: Craft Gallery: 303 (30 cubed), Artex’s group exhibition, under the scientific curatorship of Jean Blanchaert, featuring the works of 30 Tuscan excellences; the exhibition of creations on the theme Souvenir of the Grand Tour by the ten finalists of the La Grande Bellezza prize announced by Starhotels in collaboration with Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte, Associazione OMA Osservatorio dei Mestieri d’Arte and Gruppo Editoriale; and the installation Re-light Luce at the Loggia by photographer Federico Minelli.

Various events will also be held each day at the Giardinetto delle Rose : at 12 noon there will be the Profumi in fiore seminars by the Florentine artisan perfumeries; at 3 p.m., on the other hand, there will be the cycle of conversations with... with themed meetings on craftsmanship. At 6 p.m. the appointment Ricette di Famiglia (Family Recipes) will be renewed, this year a tribute to donna Giorgiana, to her art of setting the table and to some of her recipes, collected for the occasion in the book La dispensa di donna Giorgiana: spunti e spuntini (Donna Giorgiana’s Larder: hints and snacks ) edited by Annamaria Tossani. In addition, there will be workshops at the Ferragamo Foundation and presentations of the book Il grande telaio. Stories and Secrets of Italian Textile Manufacturing by Sole 24 Ore journalist Chiara Beghelli, published by Luiss University Press as part of the Bellissima series dedicated to the excellence of Made in Italy, and the volume Crafting Excellence by creative consultant Francesca Polizzi, in collaboration with FUL magazine, which investigates the world of Florentine high artistic craftsmanship. To follow are the prizes awarded during the event Premio Fondazione CR Firenze reserved for the restoration sector, which will go to the Opificio delle Pietre Dure; Premio Perseo destined for the exhibitor most appreciated by the public; and Premio Giorgiana Corsini from the Promoter Committee to the most curated stand, which will give the winner the opportunity of a complimentary space at the 2025 Exhibition.

More details at artigianatoepalazzo.it

“This is an extraordinary achievement for Artigianato e Palazzo, which arrives at the 30th anniversary edition having now consolidated its leading role in promoting high craftsmanship as an identity value for Florence. It is truly a privilege for me to be able to welcome this special event, which over the years has been able to grow, evolve and anticipate the instances of a sector that acts as a link between tradition and innovation. An event that has had and continues to have the goal of preserving the value of handmade and its uniqueness, while fostering the growth of new generations to whom we hand down an ancient art that represents the DNA of our city,” says Sara Funaro, Mayor of Florence in the introduction to the exhibition catalog.

“There is a reflection that struck us and made us think about our commitment, it is by Marcello Martini, who was deported to Mauthausen: ’Speaking of crisis and work... when the scissor of inequality breaks, only those who have been trained and know how to make things with their hands will remain in the field: this is something that no one will ever be able to take away from them.’ This is another reason why Crafts and Palace confirms itself as an exhibition of artisans before crafts. But we also want to remind visitors to the exhibition that our commitment over all these years has not only taken the form of bringing the best craftsmanship to the attention of a wide audience, but has strongly wanted to safeguard the independence of the workshops because talking about artisanal Made in Italy means above all recusing globalization and developing proximity,” say Sabina Corsini and Neri Torrigiani.

Practical information

Hours: 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Admission: € 10.00

Crafts and Palace, the exhibition venue from above. Photo: Juri Ciani
Crafts and Palace, the exhibition venue from above. Photo: Juri Ciani
Press conference to present Crafts and Palace
Press conference for the presentation of Crafts and Palace.

Florence kicks off the XXX edition of Crafts and Palace
Florence kicks off the XXX edition of Crafts and Palace

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