Festival of Ethical Photography returns to Lodi

From October 6 to 28, 2018, the city of Lodi will host the ninth Ethical Photography Festival.

The city of Lodi is hosting the ninth edition of the Ethical Photography Festival from October 6 to 28, 2018.

In all editions of the festival, an effort has been made to tell the story of current events through original paths with the aim of “creating a virtuous circuit capable of allowing photography to reach the public and speak to consciences.”

Event organizers Alberto Prina and Aldo Mendichi say that “the ever-increasing success and participation in the Festival rewards the choice to tell what is happening in the world, through the filter of the gaze of the best photographers and photojournalists around. Sometimes this gaze can be raw and unfiltered, while at other times it is mediated by a kind of visual poetics that slightly smooths the corners of reality to still return an idea of hope and sharing. In any case, the Festival is a confirmation of photography as the princely language of our time. It quickly and with immediacy reaches the sensibility of those who enjoy it, turning on the machine of reflection and discussion.”

After careful evaluation, the jury named the winners of the six categories of the World Report Award: for the Master section Paula Bronstein with the reportage"Stateless, Stranded And Unwanted: The Rohingya Crisis," a portfolio on the forced exodus of 700,000 people from the ethnic minority of Islamic origin Rohingya to neighboring Bangladesh; for the Spotlight section Tommas Protti with the reportage"Terra Vermelha" on the growing social crisis in Brazil’s Amazon region in the states of Pará, Rondonia and Roraima; for the Short Story section Camillo Pasquarelli with the reportage"The Valley Of Shadows" on the conflict in the Kashmir Valley; for the Student section Nanna Heitmann with the reportage"Gone From The Window - The End Of An Era" about the end of coal mining in Germany; for the Single Shot section Laurence Geai, Giles Clarke and Bente Marei Stachowske; and for the Nonprofit section the Care Harbor organizations with the reportage"Caring For The Invisible Of Los Angeles," the AVSI Foundation with the reportage"Mwavita - Born In A Time Of War" and the Water Grabbing Observatory with the reportage"And I Will Make The Rivers Dry."

Other sections will include the 2018 NGO Space, A Look at the World, the Insight Space, the Thematic Space, the Corporate for Festival and the Voglino Award.

For info: www.festivaldellafotografiaetica.it

Image: World Report Award, Master Award Winner © Paula Bronstein

Festival of Ethical Photography returns to Lodi
Festival of Ethical Photography returns to Lodi

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