Ferragosto: extraordinary openings at Villa of Livia, Baths of Caracalla and Arch of Malborghetto

On the occasion of Ferragosto, the Special Superintendence of Rome is offering extraordnary openings at the Villa of Livia, the Baths of Caracalla and the Arch of Malborghetto.

Instituted by Augustus in 18 B.C. as Feriae Augusti, Ferragosto, although on a different date, is still celebrated today: the Special Superintendence of Rome, directed by Daniela Porro, proposes on this holiday an extraordinary opening of the Villa of Livia, where probably the first of the Roman emperors together with his wife Livia spent his moments of idleness and leisure. And perhaps also his Feriae Augusti. Related to two other Roman emperors are the Soprintendenza’s archaeological sites accessible on August 15: the Baths of Caracalla, which will be open on August 14 and 15, and theArch of Malborghetto, which, like Livia’s Villa is located on the Via Flaminia.

In addition to the majestic structures of the capital’s most important bath facility, mosaics among the few that can be admired in the place where they were originally made, and the possibility of a virtual visit with visors, the Terme di Caracalla is hosting the exhibition Letizia Battaglia senza fine. A well-rounded retrospective of the Palermo-born photographer, famous for her shots of the Second Mafia War, but a sensitive observer of Italian society in its most varied aspects that this exhibition allows visitors to discover.

The Arch of Malborghetto was built in the fourth century AD to commemorate the spot where Emperor Constantine had camped the night before the Battle of Ponte Milvio and where he had the legendary vision of an inscription in the sky, in hoc signo vinces, with a luminous cross next to it. A rectangular monument whose four arches marked the intersection of two important Roman roads, the Flaminia and the Veientana, the Arch of Malborghetto is today surrounded by greenery and nature. While its original marble roofing has been lost except for a few important artifacts, with the waning of the empire the structure was used in a variety of ways-church, center of a hamlet surrounded by walls, herbalist shop, tavern, farmhouse, post station.

The Villa of Livia and theArch of Malborghetto: Aug. 15 special opening from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., free admission, no reservation required.

Baths of Caracalla: August 14 and 15 special opening from 9 a.m. to 7:15 p.m., with last admission at 6:15 p.m. Ticket 13 euros (admission 8 euros, + 5 euros exhibition supplement), 11 euros reduction for Metrebus card holders (info and reservations at www.coopculture.it).

Ferragosto: extraordinary openings at Villa of Livia, Baths of Caracalla and Arch of Malborghetto
Ferragosto: extraordinary openings at Villa of Livia, Baths of Caracalla and Arch of Malborghetto

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