European Photography: Russia will no longer be the host country. All events dedicated to Russian culture canceled

The Palazzo Magnani Foundation and the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, organizers of the European Photography Festival 2022, which included Russia as the host country, have canceled all events dedicated to Russian culture.

The Palazzo Magnani Foundation and the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, organizers of the European Photography Festival that included Russia as guest country for the 2022 edition, have decided to cancel the exhibition Paths of Ice and related events dedicated to Russian culture.

Indeed, the exhibition Paths of Ice, curated by Dimitri Ozerkov, Director of the Department of Contemporary Art of the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, was scheduled to take place at the Palazzo da Mosto venue, with a selection of works by Alexander Gronsky, Anaïs Chabeur, Olya Ivanova, Evgeny Khenkin, Anselm Kiefer, John Pepper, and Dimitry Sirotrin.

The note reads, "Given the current terrible war, unfortunately, the conditions and prerequisites for completing the long work of the past months no longer exist. Art and culture should always build bridges and not erect walls; however, they cannot retreat into ivory towers: there is a time to firmly affirm the right of peoples to live in peace and a time to open up to dialogue and confrontation, without violence and death being invited to the table."

European Photography: Russia will no longer be the host country. All events dedicated to Russian culture canceled
European Photography: Russia will no longer be the host country. All events dedicated to Russian culture canceled

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